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Debt Rule To Change To Fund Major Projects

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naomi24 | 11:07 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | News
15 Answers

//At the moment, the amount of money the government can borrow for investment is restrained by the amount of debt it has.


There is a self-imposed rule that debt – the total amount the government owes – must fall in five years’ time.


But the Treasury has effectively confirmed it will loosen the target in order to borrow billions more to invest in a range of major projects.//


The government will borrow billions more.  What could possibly go wrong?



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Wish they would referring to government spending as investment. Say what it is, it's spending other people's money. 


Good ole tax and spend labour! As usual the next Tory government will have to sort out their mess.

Sounds very Keynesian to me, high inflation + interest rate hikes on the way. Can the country survive a full term of Labour?

investing in infrastructure can improve this country's productivity and is a necessity given the extent to which basic public services have been neglected over the past 14 years.

i agree with this measure... we shall see who is right. 

we already pay £102bn in debt interest, that's nearly double the entire defence budget. Can we afford more debt?

Are they going to finish the train set no one wanted first?

how will we pay it off with such low productivity? we have crappy public transport, rubbish wifi and fake 5g. schools in parts of the country are literally falling apart because of poor maintenance. you can't spend your way to growth but you can't cut your way to it either... britain's infrastructure needs improving. 

If the treasurymandarins cd run the country they wd have done so

11:45 I agree just cut the unnecessary carp first. Eg

- Abandon the "net zero" delusion

- Cut all foriegn aid

- Cut the Work shy scum benefit to the bone make them get jobs.

- Expel the invaders by any means necessary

- Reboot the NHS by having a total clear out.


none of those things will make the uk's economy more productive

i would suggest we stop allowing american hedge funds to buy up some of our most valuable companies and drain their profits out of our economy... companies like Clarks used to invest hugely in the communities around them. Now all that profit goes to the US 

Well Labour need to borrow at least £22 billion  to cover the black hole in the economy left by the former ousted Tory Govt.

As expected 

borrowing alone would just make the hole bigger gulliver... but they do need to generate growth and investment can do that if it is done correctly

"Well Labour need to borrow at least £22 billion to cover the SUPPOSED black hole in the economy left by the former ousted Tory Govt."


I've corrected your post for you Gulliver. Your welcome.

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