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Labour: We Won't Raise Income Tax....

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ToraToraTora | 09:55 Sat 19th Oct 2024 | News
8 Answers

....but we'll freeze thresholds which will.....raise income tax! Who'd have thunk it?



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//In the run-up to June's general election, both leader Sir Keir Starmer and the soon-to-be Chancellor Rachel Reeves pledged to "not increase taxes on working people".//


Practically any tax they raise will affect working people.  Why anyone fell for that pile of utter tripe is a mystery.

The budget is going to be brutal

No tough decisions yet made on the illegal immigrants, armed criminals, rape gangs, drug dealers or online attacks by hundreds of scammers. However tough decisions can be made quite readily that only impact defenceles old people and the low intel semi literate "working" class. Cowardly bullies, as they always were and always will be. 

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...yes togo and of couse bung anyone who has the slightest concern over the invasion of our country in jail. ....oh but first make room by letting out a load of sex offenders.

They seem to be continuing a Conservative implemented policy.

""Having clamoured for the keys to Number 10, Labour are now exposed for what has been self-evident for many people: a government of hollow individuals espousing sixth-form politics and all too easily seduced by baubles and blandishments.""

Alexander McKibben. 

Here is the piece that the above was pasted from. It is accurate and concise. 

//The talk of ‘tough decisions’ is emblematic of an enfeebled regime drifting hopelessly in a sea of inadequacy and lacking any real purpose. Having clamoured for the keys to Number 10, Labour are now exposed for what has been self-evident for many people: a government of hollow individuals espousing sixth-form politics and all too easily seduced by baubles and blandishments.
There are no new ideas, no striking initiatives, no real substance, it is all too reminiscent of Blair’s time in office. Tough decisions would be ones that challenge the consensus: abolish HS2, take an axe to the bloated public sector, forget the farcical Net Zero, rein in public spending, reform the NHS. Any leader bold enough to do this would not only earn the public’s admiration but would also go some way to addressing the UK’s precarious finances.
To do that would require someone of real stature, someone of purpose, someone who could marshal facts and expose ruinous doctrines for what they are, someone of principle, someone with experience, someone willing to court unfavourable media headlines, someone with sound common sense but above all, someone you could trust.//

It can't help with the supposed 'black hole' until 2029 as the frozen thresholds had already been factored in.

My tips are NI rates being raised at the top end as those on £50000+ pa could be argued not to be ordinary  working people ( apart from train drivers), plus NI on maybe savings income  and more likely pensions income which don't attract NI now as these are generally earned by non working people.

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