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I Think This Young Lady Needs To Get Some Education.......

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ToraToraTora | 09:12 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | News
7 Answers

//"Give us our land back. Give us what you stole from us! Our bones, our skulls, our babies, our people.

"You destroyed our land. Give us a treaty!"// - when did the king do any of that? Anyone have a clue what she's on about? MAABOF.



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She is an aboriginal lady who presumably wants all the white folk out, and their king as well. When emotions get high folk can resort to rudeness. Her wish is obviously impractical and not going to happen, but I've no doubt a vote to remove the royals is something she'd welcome.

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OK so whe wants all the western infrastructure out of Australia, including her house and the senate building where she works so she can go back to living in a cave. Right oh!

It is silly.

mmmmm WICHETTY GRUBS - delish!

...................."Her Boomerang won't  come back ".....................

Does she own a car,own a bike,go on buses or trains?If so can we take all these modern creations off her when all the colonialists and their descendants get removed from Australia?

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I Think This Young Lady Needs To Get Some Education.......

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