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Why Would One Even Plead Not Guilty To This In The First Place?

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bednobs | 12:34 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | News
13 Answers

gah, still cant do links

Woman admits hurling McDonald's milkshake over Nigel Farage - BBC News

what an idiot - and she's surprised she's had threats!



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Ever since the vandals got away with toppling public statues in Bristol, it has been quite clear that evidence isn't important. Neither are confessions. Plead innocence and let the fools find you not guilty: it seems to work.

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hey thanks LB, that really helpful.  |why would you plead NG when there is photographs/video of you doing it?

It does seem odd when the evidence is stacked against you, dont you get a reduced sentence if you plead Guilty up front?

But OG probably has a point in how thye think now.

^and she's admitted it!

Probably sinking in that she cant do OF from jail so hoping theat pleading guilty now she gets a smack on the wrist, which given it was on the Metro-liberals arch enemy Mr Farage, she probably will.

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i really hopenot YMB.  It's a slippery sope if we allow people who attack democracy in this way to get off scott free.

We have already seen fatal attcks on politicians

The thing that gets me is that this young lady and the geezer that threw cement at Farage were the same kind of people as the rioters were in the summer i.e.lower working class unemployed/unemployables.The new"class"in the UK,the Benefit Claiming class.

I agree Bednobs, it has to stop non of our political representatives should have to put up with this, be threatened or murdered.

I think she was emploed - dangling her bits on OF.  Probabaly akes a mint.

She was employed was she?I wonder if the taxman knows?

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she probably has more people visit her OF now! it may well have been "worth it" for her

she might have recorded a bunch of content to release gradually while she is indisposed

12.39 from OG - I found the Colston statue not guilty verdict utterly perverse given there was clear footage of those identified doing what they were on trial for. It just made a mockery of the system to me, although I understand there's a thing called jury equity where a jury returns a not guilty verdict even in the face of overwhelming evidence.


It's akin to filming somebody burgling your home, them being clearly identifiable and yet being found not guilty. They may be not guilty in the eyes of the law, but they still did it so are 'guilty'.



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