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gulliver1 | 09:13 Wed 23rd Oct 2024 | News
12 Answers

 Keir Starmer scores first major Brexit reset with a landmark new defence deal. Starmer has struck an agreement with the most powerful member of the EU Germany.Under his plans German aircraft in the Luftwaffe ...German Airforce, will start operating from a base in Britain to help protect the North Atlantic from the growing threat from Russia while 400 jobs are set to be created in a new munitions factory in the UK. Is this the start of rejoining the EU...Hope so.



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You are really gormless at times. Rheinmetall has been collaborating with UK defence companies here for years, absolutely nothing to do with getting closer to being back in the EU. I know lots of people who work for Rheinmetall over here, they're British for starters..... 

Rome wasn't built in a day, but it appears KS is going to have a good go. He's not stopped working from the day he walked into number ten. And all for the good of the UK. Crack on I say. The defence of this country is yet another area thats been neglected for some time.

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After making this first move to get closer links to the EU Starmer is being urged to seize other plans to get closer to the EU ...How about a referendum in the UK to rejoin then for starters.

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09.30 Nicebloke ...You are spot on again as usual......

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Be nice to see German aircraft helping the RAF out.

nicebloke1, "He's not stopped working from the day he walked into number ten."  What about all the concerts and football games he got free ticket for, or do you class that as work.  What a Twp pair you 2 are.

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Nicebloke "He's not stopped working  since the day he walked into number ten" Yes.  It's a pity That Starmer and his hard working Govt were not in power when covid first hit the UK .He would have locked down earlier than Worzel did and sorted it our better.

If Labour had been in government then you would have had a scarecrow in charge alright, Corbyn and making decisions was not one of his strong points not that he did have any of them anyway.

Affording a little time here and there to promote healthy outdoor sports is also important to SK, Eat out to help out, ( promoting burger & chips) just don't help the NHS.

Not supporting just getting free tickets.

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Nicebloke 10.15 Think when Sunak was eating out to help out and spreading Covid...Idiot!...His then Boss was probably sleeping out to help the population out.

It's what he's working towards that has split the nation and made him the most unpopular leader.


Somehow I doubt he can put right all that he has already screwed up before the next GE.

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