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Dorset Care Home Incident

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Hazlinny | 15:16 Wed 23rd Oct 2024 | News
8 Answers

Thoughts are with the families of those who died and are hospitalized.



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I hope those taken to hospital make a full recovery.

If you've got gas in your home check your monitors.

Sinister or sensible ? :-

" Elsewhere, a community support office is stopping care home staff from talking to members of the media.

A man was ready to talk but she pulled him away."

It is to be hoped it is nothing more sinister than carbon monoxide poisoning.

And if it is carbon monoxide poisoning, then those who run the home have questions to answer.

Staff or Management. Was she a potential whistleblower ?


Canary, I think that they are trying to stop inaccurate stories from getting out.

The home is in enough trouble if it is carbon monoxide.

The comments section of the DM article is rife with accusations...when no-one knows the cause yet.

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