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Trump Wanted Generals Like Hitler Had

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Untitled | 22:16 Wed 23rd Oct 2024 | News
67 Answers

according to john kelly who was his chief of staff

kamala harris has called him a fascist who desires unchecked power and a military who is loyal to him and not the country

how refreshing to see a politician call this demented old man what he is! 



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ynna i think you need to step away from the keyboard for a while... go and have a walk it's sunny outside

ynnafymmi, I strongly suggest you stop trying to derail this thread or you will be suspended.

My link to the NYT doesn't work easily. I got at it by opening a free account. Sorry about that.

There's a long list of people that worked with Trump who say he's unfit for office. Here's a few

I guess they must all be disaffected and desperate lefties.

ATHEIST, if a link is behind a paywall, I copy and paste it to to see if it's there. It doesn't work every time but it it does most of the time.

If it's there already, you just need to copy the link it produced.

If it's not there, it can take a few minute to upload all the various links within a page and you'll see screeds of them on screen.

This is their link to the NYT report.

Thank you Corby.


The OP is stating this as though it is fact, when it very clearly is not a fact. It may be fact that an ex-staffer said Trump said it, but it is not a fact that Trump did say it. Come on untitled, if somebody else posted hearsay as fact on something you disagreed, you'd be all over them like a cheap suit.

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