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The King And Aye, Right.

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douglas9401 | 12:43 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | News
12 Answers

A man with a massive gold hat, a throne and many houses chats about "finding creative ways to right inequalities that endure"

Staff were on hand to provide sick bags for those affected by these utterings.



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Shouldnt this be on CB rather than on News douglas9401?

No.  It's news.

I saw that earlier and did wonder how to broach the subject on here.

Straight for the jugular, excellent, couldnt have put it better myself.

Pompus old git.

The King not you Douglas 😁

A glaring inequality is the amount the state provides for housing, transport, etc., for HM compared to say, that for a single unemployed mother.  Is that what HM is talking about ?

Doubt he will be handing any of his wedge over.  Probably want to hand ours though.

you've always been well balanced dougie, a 4x2 on both shoulders.

I would prefer to get rid of the HoL before i got rid of the RF.Do we actually need the HoL?Surely this is the biggest anachronism in British society nowadays?

The change of global attitude regarding slavery, and action to enforce it's cessation, is not a "most painful aspect of our past".


In any case it is in the past, as is mentioned.


A pretty useless head of state that has to obey the view of the democratically elected government. Maybe there should be progress made to remove the irrelevant bit. Alternatively royalty could decide to support the view of the majority of the public instead. That'd be more useful.

A second chamber is utterly vital to allow a rethink. But it too needs to be elected not elitist and formed from patronage. Plus it needs to accept when something has been confirmed and not continually try to overrule it.

Yes,but surely not 650 doddery old *** old_geezer?

Agree OG.

50-100 of them max.

And 300 Mp's - all that is needed.



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