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Fraudsters Steal 22 Tonnes Of Cheese

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wolf63 | 19:55 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | News
14 Answers

I guess it is true - some folk will steal anything not tied down.



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Got a whey with their haul then.

Fraudsters? Thieves, shurely.

"Neal's Yard Dairy sells Hafod Welsh for £12.90 for a 300g piece, while Westcombe costs £7.15 for 250g and Pitchfork is priced at £11 for 250g."

Some say just cutting out the middle man.

I'm no Inspector Lestrade but can Wallace and Gromit account for their whereabouts at the time of the theft?

Police are relying on a rare bit of luck.

Soft cheese?

Cream cheese?

No, just Hard cheese, guys.

The choice of cheese at the Cheese and Wine party at the local community centre tonight was truly amazing...🍷

I smell a 'mouse '

Mount up men - we'll head them off at the pass. sorry -the Cheddar gorge 

The Met Police has confirmed it is investigating "the theft of a large quantity of cheese" and at the moment we are following our noses 

... but we are in a bit of a pickle. 

They must be crackers!

I hope the thieves will churn their lifes around , after they have done their porridge .

That's a lot of expensive cheese.  Have the thieves bitten off more than they can chew?

What will they do with it?

Grate things, I'm sure.

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I didn't think cheese could be that expensive in the first place.😵

Duggie at 20:04, I am tired and my brain couldn't work out if it was thieves or theives - so I used Fraudsters.  

You are all correct in that the price was rather on the high side.  


Who has Dairy Lea slices and Primula with Ham in the fridge😂

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Fraudsters Steal 22 Tonnes Of Cheese

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