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gulliver1 | 17:54 Sun 17th Nov 2024 | News
89 Answers

..*Sir Keir Starmer and his newly elected  powerful Labour Party*..           They have achieved the three biggest return flights ever so far, as 10,000 migrants have been deported since Labour took power in July. Sending individuals back to various countries including Albania ,Poland,Romania,and Vietnam .More flights are planned. Well done Sir Keir.



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Top man SK
18:05 Sun 17th Nov 2024
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Ha haha ok ^^^

Wow BA off gully thks me old china.

Same vulgar remark TTT pushing your luck?

Would anyone care to answer my question at 18.44?

Good news,  but hasn't this always happened where we knew where they'd come from. Hopefully it's happening more, but maybe gulliver can provide the statistics to show how much of an increase it actually is. It should be a bit esier for Keir than it was for the Cons because in the past any such measures would have caused uproar, but many of those who used to shout loudest are now keeping quiet. I always thought Labour would have more chance of progressing this. All they need to do now is stop the boats, which is proving much harder.

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The previous govt.  Who were too busy lining their own pockets to bother about the Country, even offered to give migrants packages worth £150,000 to voluntarily move to Rwanda,which included housing healthcare, and education benefits .Only four people took them up on the offer.....But this new Labour Govt will not faff around like that .    Not on your bike ...on your plane ....Well done Labour.

Just like the cons, lets wave some cash at them, it works on everyone else. Wrong it didn't.

The Albania scheme, for one, has been going for a few years

Not only is SK top man. He has Top Guns flying them back hahaha #:▪︎)))))

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Nicebloke 19.57 ... '' Just like the cons wave some cash at them " ...      I am surprised after the Tory MPs have trousered all the taxpayers cash they could stuff in their very large pockets, there was any cash left to wave at the migrants.

^ If only multiple best answers were allowed....

// how would you do it?  Hmmm?  //

Perhaps Starmer(no charmer) used his old mates to threaten that work would "dry up" if they engineered cases to challenge the secret deportations through the echr. The whole system in riddled with left wing parasites and legal bloodsuckers and he is one of them. Plus if no-one finances, and provides transport and overnight accomodation, the pink pussy hat and multi "pierced" screech harpies can't attend. Where were the hundreds of identical placards and prepared slogans? All answers must be free of hate speech or you will be on the next plane with them, or spending Christmas with Robinson.(not Crusoe) 

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NMA 20.10 And so it should be ,?

" 10,000 migrants have been deported since Labour took power in July."

Excellent news, And just as well because in that same period 19,326 people arrived in small boats to replace them.

^^ Doom and gloom

"^^ Doom and gloom"

How else would you describe the fact that almost 20,000 people have arrived here without leave in just over four months?

If each one of them cost just £10.000 (which is a wild underestimate) to keep in the manner to which they have become accustomed, that's £200m a year. And that's just those who have arrived since July. Almost 33,000 have arrived this year, so that's £660m worth. And the government is scrabbling around planning to pilfer a few quid from farming families.

And this is not a party political issue. Neither of the main  parties has any proper plan to deal with this scandal and to shout from the roofops that the current lot have managed to throw out half the number who have arrived is no cause for celebration. 


That GB News article seems quite clear, and GB News seems to be believed without question when the story is anti-labour, so I'm sure the right will accept it in the same good faith this time.

And I can't muliply (well it is late)  😀

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