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Prince William And Trump Meet ...

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naomi24 | 09:41 Sun 08th Dec 2024 | News
14 Answers

...after Notre-Dame reopening.


A diplomatic step towards repairing the damage done by Labour's unruly mouths?





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11:42 Mon 09th Dec 2024

No one has got more of an unruly mouth than Trump. And some of his actions are even worse. But lets just sweep his past under the carpet eh.

My feeling about Trump is this.  He often says things out of order, context and before engaging brain. BUT, he is no fool and will be well aware what has happened in the UK and how KS ended up in such a strong position.  He is well advised, not least by Nigel Farage, about the UK and as such will do what he feels is best for the US.  He dislikes the EU but the UK is not in the EU so we are stand alone.  That is why I feel he will try to do business economically with us. I wonder how Trump would deal with the ever daring 'boat people'?

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That's beside the point.  Trump doesn't have to placate anyone.  We, on the other hand, would be unwise to fall out with him.

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^That to nicebloke.

Not MY prince!

It demonstrates to me the value of a non-political head of state family.

If he's discussing the UK with the POTUS elect that IS political IMV. He should stick to his charities.

9.54. And we would also be unwise to show any sort of weakness to the likes of Trump, who is absent of any morals and values, bend to any of his requirments and you become one of his many millions of puppets. 

He needs to tidy himself up, scruffy herbert.

Perhaps he should have a word with Keir and get from him the name of the people who buy clothes for him.

Prince William doing his unpalatable duty. 

I wouldn't want that job for any amount.

I really, really don't like Prince William's beard.

At least Trump seems to have given up on the hair dye

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