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Labour Getting On With The Job ?

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Khandro | 15:57 Fri 13th Dec 2024 | News
12 Answers

It’s a day of grim numbers for Labour as the Home Office revealed a whopping 609 migrants crossed the Channel yesterday. The highest number of crossings ever seen on a winter day (December to February) since records began in 2018…

Shadow home secretary Chris Philp slammed the numbers as a “day of shame for Labour” as over 21,000 Channel migrants have now illegally entered the UK since the election – up 18% compared to the same time last year. Meanwhile Labour’s latest plan to tackle “irregular” migration is by playing “whack-a-mole” with people smugglers…



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Once we deport all the Syrian refugees things should improve a wee bit Khandro.These new fake asylum seekers can take over from the real Syrian asylum seekers.

Yes, well, what can our government do about the problem? How can the migrants be discouraged from coming here? If conditions in their home countries were improved, that might help, but it's not going to happen overnight. I'm interested to know how the local authorities in the south-west of England are coping with these people. Where do they get placed? How are they fed? Are any of them found work of any kind?

Asylum seekers can't legally work until their claims are processed. Cushy isn't it...

It doesn't matter who is in power because there is no deterent strong enough to prevent people from attempting to cross the Channel. 

You would think that the prospect of crossing the busiest shipping lane in the world in a flimsy craft would be deterent enough, but that doesn't stop them does it? They're willing to risk death to do it. What would be a stronger deterent? I would say, certain death, but where would that come from?

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Pick them up and take them back to France - simple.

Being capsized by Navy & Border Force ships?

that to 10cs

“If conditions in their home countries were improved,…”

It doesn’t matter what conditions are like in their home countries because they are not there. They are in France where, the last time I looked, there was no war, no plague, no pestilence persecution, no torture.

“How can the migrants be discouraged from coming here?”

They don’t need to be discouraged; they need to be prevented from landing. Fr too long successive governments have concentrated on what to do with them when they have arrived. They should instead concentrate their efforts on preventing them from arriving.

609 coming is no problem as long as the government returned them before the end of the day.

OG. I know your are joking but these poor souls will now have had hot meals & be put up in warm & comfortable accommodation for the night pending distribution to 4* hotels in the morning. It's WRONG & IT MUST STOP.

If the French were serious in stopping foreigners crossing the channel they would instruct the police to step into the water and size/puncture the rubber dinghy. All they do is stop at thwe water's edge and watch the boat being loaded a yard or two from the beach. The police stay dry footed thinking 'that's another 50 we've let go'. 

hessian, if the french were determined they would not let the problem get out of hand years ago, instead they have free movement throught the eu, the countries they landed in are more then happy to pass them on to the next country, the eu created the problem, merkel oh merkel we can do this ahs destroyed europe with a pen, add in the echr and outdated migrant conventions, now it's a free for all literally, and all there base cultures, how many murders rapes drug gangs jihadis could have been prevented, altruism without thinking of consequences. disgusting is not hard enough a word.

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