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Inflation Rockets By 13% In A Sigle Month...............

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ToraToraTora | 09:08 Wed 18th Dec 2024 | News
6 Answers

Rise from 2.3% to 2.6% 2nd monthly rise and Labour's economy wrecking ball is still on its back swing.

Get ready for interest rate and mortgage hikes.



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Sad isnt it.

Batton down the hatches its going to get very rough.

I think you're over egging the pudding or reading too much into things here TTT. Rolling RPI figures will change as one month this year replaces another from last year which drops out of the figures when one off factors are taken into account. 

Unforunately two of the biggest contributory factors to the rise are energy bills and vehicle fuel.

So stand by for "Mad" Ed Miliband to weigh in with why it's important we cover he counry with windmills and pylons.

Note: for much of last week wind and solar contributed less than 10% of demand, sometimes dipping as low as 4%. Gas often exceeded 70%. A similar situation existed about three weeks ago for about ten days. The industry spen more tha £200bn to get to those heady heights and is planning to spend four or five times as much again. 

Over egging?  It's fact.

On its own probably wouldnt be an issue but with billions being taken from Emplyers they will have no choice but to add the extra to thier services or items, which will cause a continuing rise.

Add this to the undoubted unemployment figures rising and Rayners workers reforms and you have a perfect storm.

However I dont hink they will raise interest rates today.  Being still fairly low they will need to kee that in their arsenal for when the real inflation hits next year.

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09:17 you are ignoring the elephant in the room me old china!

Milliband is a fruit cake, only have to look at the distorted face he keeps pulling together with arm waving and the such like.

Hell in a handcart here we come.

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Inflation Rockets By 13% In A Sigle Month...............

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