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Case So Bad, Jury Excused From Service For Life.

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Khandro | 10:35 Thu 19th Dec 2024 | News
11 Answers

Pakistani scum to be kept at the taxpayer's expense. How could this have taken place?



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Cultural differences.

I sat on the jury of a murder trial at the Old Bailey about thirty years ago. It was quite a nasty murder and we were presented with lot sof graphic evidence.

Because of that we were excused jury duty for 10 years. I was a bit upset by that as I was more than willing to do another stint. However the jury bailiff explained that it didn't prevent me accepting another invitation but simply gave me a get out if I didn't want to do it.

Alas I haven't been called since.

It's a long piece.


Who was it ignoring the reports ?

OG - It's mostly the Famly Court ignoring advice and previous recorded incidents of abuse to his children and wife on more than one occasion.

But imo over 10 years there were many who could have done more.

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OG, It might be worth reading the closing paragraphs - her personal views.

When the case first came to court I saw, and maybe you did, the council house these people (err, animals) lived in, it was an aerial shot of a really nice house with a front and back garden, the sort of place many (including some of my family) would long for the opportunity to live in, but can't get.

He said he beat her 'according to the law'.  It wasn't according to British law.  Poor little girl.  Absolute dereliction of duty by people who could have prevented it.  I can't help thinking there should have been more people in that dock.

We can't have experts in the dock while they're learning lessons though.

Not the British way.

"He said he beat her 'according to the law'.  " - so cricket bats and iron bars are allowed under Islam?


^^ And pouring boiling water on her ankles whilst she's restrained and hooded. Evil, monstrous scum. 

Let's hope that before too long the tide of opinion among even the most stout left-wing apologists turns against this vile ideology that allows for beating and abusing women and little girls senseless because they're "worthless" and that no more beautiful children like Sara are left in the care of sadistic monsters like Urfan Sharif. 

That report is absolutely spot on and no diversity loving hand wringer can change that.

Khandro, he's not an animal.  Animals don't know any better.  The man is an absolute monster as is his wife who allowed it to happen.  

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