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Hospice Care Funding

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nicebloke1 | 13:08 Fri 20th Dec 2024 | News
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It is a really good news day today, just heard that the government are to fund hospice care with 126 million. Santa is delivering early in all directions this week. ☆<:○)



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Doesn't help the thousands dying of conditions that the hospice movement doesn't support.   The hospice movement for all the good it does  is effectively part of a two tier end of life healthcare system.  


I would have been more impressed if they were spending money on improving palliative care in hospitals and the community to bring it up to hospice standards.    It used to take  around 6 months to complete the three modules  of the nursing  care of the dying course, but now you need a degree covering all aspects of palliative care which in most cases will be self funded although you might get time off for study and work experience in specialist centres.  Can take up to four years.    

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^^ Are all the above KS fault then?

No but he had an opportunity to correct a historic issue and didn't take it

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You can please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.

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The British people spend most of their time moaning in stead of living, when they realise that, if they ever do, its far to late. The comments on threads are always negative. They moaned about hospices may not be able to afford staff, now they moan about them getting 126 million from government.

Peeing in the ocean, and how much will be taken up with extra EHI payments and the other anti business measures being bought in?

My opinion on the subject at least was formed by actually trying to deliver good end of life care in a general setting. Great that they are targeting money, rather than just putting it into the general moneypit.  I just hope that the old folk dying in hospital of pneumonia and suffering strokes etc due to not beating their homes this winter appreciate it they had managed to get cancer instead of something less media friendly their care would be well funded.

crumbs for the plebs, but ed milipede gets £22 billion for his net 0 money pit, do you think thats value for money (tax payers)

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