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Funny They Don't Seem To Have Any Examples Of The Alleged Porkies...

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ToraToraTora | 14:17 Mon 06th Jan 2025 | News
18 Answers

The PM said nothing to allay the fears of the indiginous population.

The left, the trobiscites, et al all support the covering up of their disgusting activities, lest they offend Islam. When they gain power they won't be as grateful as you think.



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Well no, for starters any women and certainly gay people should fear for their lives.

As I said on another thread a truly terrifying prospect.

What I find odd is that the Muslims I know have core beliefs that are fundamentally to the right, far right in many cases.  So why do the left love them, they do understand they ae only in the labour party until they can form a big enough Party of their own dont they?

Well mate, you yourself know how difficult it is to bring lies to the attention of anyone determined to deny unto death.

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so can someone give me an example of the porkies the PM is referring to?

-- answer removed --

"...amplifying what the far-right is saying" to gain attention.”

Ah yes. The “Far Right”. And their "amplifiers". You know, people who don’t particularly like the idea of young girls being systematically raped and sexually abused on an industrial scale up and down the country. They shouldn’t object. Afer all, the alleged perpetrators are overwhelmingly Muslim men of Pakistani origin and they, quite justifiably according to their culture, see young white girls as “trash”, perfectly worthy of their depravity. We mustn't cause a fuss.

How dare the “Far Right” bring that to our attention and try to get something done about it.

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unititled, canary, andy hughes,sandy roe and the rest of our apoligists for Islam wing will be along soon judge to admonish you for those "islamophobic" comments.

14:51 Mon 06th Jan - Spot on.

The fear and cowardice of successive governments to deal adequately with these criminals for fear of an uprising of is shameful, and a betrayal of the very people they are supposed to protect.

We the people who are watching these craven so called figures of authority hand our nation to an alien culture. That makes us cowards too.

Well put NJ.

Cue the appologists....

any uprising by muslims could be put down quickly by the armed forces, but here's the kicker.. would the government let them, may even encourage it, fighting for there beliefs, the right wing bigots put down by the religion of peace.

The tories were in power for 14 years and they didn't do much about the 'disgusting activities'. Now they are out they have to blame Starmer for it all.

Is this me being an apologist?

When it kicks of, and it will, I suspect you will see the top brass in the Military and Police Farce backing the newcomers, but the real fighters, the rank and file, will probably not take arms against their fellow bretheren and many will fight with us.


No Atheist you will have to try harder. 😁

As you say the weak TINO's also failed us, but that is why they were so ingloriously kicked out on their respective arrises.


"...many will fight with us."

What outfit are you in? You sound as if you are a military leader, predicting that many will fight with you. Do you get a uniform?

Well at least I am willing to fight should it come to it.

What will you do, sit on you backside and whine about no Avocado's ro something?

Avocado envy!

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So can anyone tell me what the alleged porkies are?

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