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How Can People Be So Thick

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tomus42 | 23:10 Wed 15th Jan 2025 | News
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BBC News - AI Brad Pitt dupes French woman out of €830,000



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I can understand a vulnerable person being deceived and believing the scammer to be a real celebrity.

But a request for money is surely a massive red flag.  I really don't understand why anyone would part with money so readily.


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Irrespective of how convincing the deepfakes are, surely the notion that Brad Pitt ...honestly I can't be bothered to type the rest.

Is deepfake Brad Pitt the new Nigerian lottery winner? Gawd elp us.

In a relationship with Brad Pitt and he needs some cash. Yeah, I can understand that.

These scammers are extremely clever and know how to play on the vulnerable. They are very good at finding and exploiting a weakness. 

I have no doubt that the victim feels many things including feeling extremely stupid.

I feel really sorry for her. She's lost her dream, her life savings and now the entire world is laughing at her.

I used to spend a lot of time baiting these (insert sweary word). A lot of people "play" with them and correct their English and tell them how they know they are scammers. I (as do other scam baiters) de-educated them (Ie correcting a saying or spelling so it is incorrect). Some of the ones I played with were very good indeed.

Someone I was once close to was romance scammed and it was very unpleasant. 

This lady fell for a con-artist because she believed him, because she wanted to believe him. 

Instead of victim shaming, how about we make it normal to say "Lady, you were conned, but you were a victim. The person who conned you is to blame."

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//Instead of victim shaming, how about we make it normal to say "Lady, you how about saying  were conned, but you were a victim. The person who conned you is to blame."//

Yeah but when they're an idiot how about saying "lady you're an idiot that was conned by a bad person. You aren't the first and won't be the last'.

Keeping it real.

She knows that! She has already suffered enough. Someone might be reading this thread, realising they've been had. What do you think will make them report it or ask for advice? A) people are going to laugh at me and call me thick or B) I get I've been an idiot but people will understand and support me because I've been the victim of a con man.

There is keeping it real and then there is keeping it kind.

This poor woman tried to take her own life three times.  

Poke the scammers, not the victim 

Barmaid has a very valid point. If it were not for these people coming forward and admitting their failure the rest of us would not be aware of many of these scams.

I'm currently in an intimate on-line relationship with Rachel Weisz. I hope Daniel doesn't find out! 🤣

Your secret's safe with us dave. 😄

I dumped Madonna - too clingy...

That's it I'm dumping Kiera Knightly now!

Being 'kind' is great for when a child falls off their bike.

Maybe there should be a fitness to contol large amounts of money test.

news travels fast, I've got Taylor Swift pestering me now!

I like Brad Pitt a fine actor in many films he's in, but come on love... my only reasoning is she's French.

How much do you owe Taylor Swift is a better question.

Even the smartest people, in a vulnerable position, can be duped.

Some of the people can be duped all of the time, but all of the people can be duped some of the time ...

Absolutely zero sympathy - she deserved to be scammed.


I mean come on - Brad Pitt needs money for hospital treatment, together with some very clearly iffy photos. I could 'sort of'* get it if it was a random that scammed her, but somebody pretending to be Brad Pitt? And no media coverage of his illness.


Brains of a rocking horse.


*actually I don't get it.

Sad thing is the lady is meant to be a fan... quite clearly not Brad Pitt. I do hope she's not in charge of anything important.

Anybody can be scammed. Everyone has some vulnerability which can be used by scammers to extract money. 

anyone know her E-mail address...

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