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Reward for the death of a cartoonist

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Trojanfarce | 11:16 Fri 17th Feb 2006 | News
8 Answers

Well well well. No great surprise I guess!,,30000-1212643,00.h tml



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I did think however that the cartoons were not the work of a single individual?
Another example of an unforgivable, and way over the top response to offensive material. Just another extremeist's way of trying to stoke up a dying fire. Fingers crossed that the ordinary decent people in Pakistan won't be swayed by the ranting of a madman.

Can I suggest people take a look at the New Statesman site below and enjoy a few Muslim cartoons, which I hope will show not all Moslems are rabid fanatics. One of the cartoons is a humorous indictment of the extremists who foster terrorism. within their communities.

Very good link Dru. Nice little column next to it a well. Are there any more examples out there?
They just don't get it do they, all they are doing is proving that the sentiments in the original Danish cartoons are correct!
Exactly Loosehead, personally I think they are too stupid to realise it, something along the lines of....

"Were not all fanatics hell bent on the distruction of the west, Islam is a peacfull religion and we will kill anybody who says otherwise."

Okay, but what about all the bible-bashers who influence US politics? What about Christians who bomb abortion clinics? Right-wing Christianity is about as oxymoronic as you can get.

Point being, a few hypoctitical religious nutters who shout loud enough to make themselves heard are not the majority of people in either place.

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Reward for the death of a cartoonist

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