Crosswords1 min ago
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.I stumbled across this site around a year ago while searching for information on children being vegetarians as I am one myself and so are my children.
Just watch the videos and you will see just some of the enviroments these chickens live in, and what state there in before they are killed.
P.S I'm not trying to force vegetarianism on anyone lol but the way KFC treats there animals before there killed is wrong.
Remember not all chickens are killed like that, but there are cows and pigs that are mass tortured for big food chains too.
And if that put you off chicken, you should read some things about milk. Cows are constantly pregnant in order to produce milk (which most people dont think of) and there male calves taken away from them at birth and usually killed and the females are allowed to live to replace them. They're usually killed for the rennet which is found in there stomachs (found in most cheese).
The chemicals and hormones in milk have been found to produce "man boobs". Every glass is contaminated with pus and bacteria. 50% of milk comes from swollen, diseased udders. Beer is actually a lot healthier than milk.
Brilliant Goodsoulette, We had a Jersey suckler herd, with one odd stray Ayreshire ( my pet) and they were fantastic, they'd mother anything:) I love cattle as you probably gathered from my post. What breed do your parent's keep?Do they rear their bull calves on for beef?
(Sorry chimney, hijacked your thread a bit)
yes they do....
They have angus cows, belgian blues, limousines, and at my request (excuse spelling) Charolets. My step-dad had been farming all his life and when he married my mum who was vegetarian she convinced him to raise animals in this way and she is now a meat eater because she is satisfied that her animals are raised well and slaughtered well. My stepdad sees all his cattle to the slaughterhouse and stays with them all the way.
They have a lovely lamb stock. Mum breeds specialty ducks and chickens too. As you can tell I have never been into farming much but i do like it when they have babies awwww.
Although you say straying from the thread i think not. Dont buy meat from places like kfc etc go to your butcher and find out about where your food is coming from. Local restaurants also use local butchers in general. For those who argue they cant afford it packed lunch or go home and have a bowl of soup you shouldnt be eating out anyway. At home get the cheaper cuts of meat and learn how to cook them well. I would never give my children a macdonalds meal.
...A few years back the state of Kentucky registered the word Kentucky as a trademark, there were some legal disputes and Kentucky Fried Chicken decicded not to continue using the name (and therefore having to pay fees to the state) and instead went in favour of KFC.
They also wanted to drop the 'fried' tag..although anyone going into a KFC can plainly see it is, indeed, fried ;o)
I get a bit fed up hearing about nasty things going on in fast food outlets. I will buy what I wanna buy, eat what I wanna eat without anyone giving me their opinions on what is right or wrong. I usually buy organic, but if I want to have a Maccy Dees or KFC once in a while I will!
Firstly, to Flip-Flop
We are not spreading lies, if you were in anyway up to date on current affairs then you would no about the meat-cancer link (involving n-nitroso compounds) if you want to better your knowledge go to
As for chicken. well fast food outlets hardly represent the pinicle of hygiene and frying chicken in oil won't neccesarily kill salmonella and more recently Bird Flu.
Whilst it is your choice to eat fast food its a choice that should be grouped with smoking and drinking.
If we are to take vegetarians generally, and the likes of random"and so are my children"sasha in particular seriously, then posting links from those PETA clowns is not the way to go about it - this bunch of charmers are the ones that brought us rubbish such as the following (YES, I know I've just criticised somebody for posting a PETA link and then posted one myself, but in my defence I've posted it to demonstrate the type of idiots we are dealing with here!).
Posting a PETA link in support of a vegetarian argument is absurdity in the extreme.
What gets on my tits is the militancy of it all - if I want to eat meat absolutely nothing a vegenazi says (and I've met several) will make me change my mind: they like to think they occupy the moral high ground. They do not.
Now, tonight for dinner I think I will have Veal.