I agree with straz and Tj, i also remember seeing the video footage of him saying he didn't think they'd collapse. (although admittedly, we only have the translator's word for what he actually said). I don't believe he could have planned for the aviation fuel melting the very structure of the building. The twin towers were very strong, and designed to withstand earthquakes and impact from aircraft. I just don't think anyone accounted for the massive amount of heat caused by thousands of gallons of aviation fuel igniting in one hit. I think we give him too much credit for the accuracy of his plan, remember it wasn't an unmittigated success. A further plane was hijacked, destination uncertain, but it was brought down by the passengers and crew before it reached it's target. Hardly a foolproof plan. Having said that, he caused an unacceptable amount of destruction with the parts of his plan that DID work. He's a fanatic, not a mad genius. I really really hope they catch him before he manages to remind us that he's still alive in the worst possible way.