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School Holidays

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Sunnie | 08:15 Sat 11th Mar 2006 | News
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Illegal to take holidays whenever you want? I thought this was a free country?



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Of course it is not a 'free country'.

Do you think we should be free to kill anyone, rape anyone etc?

There are laws in place to protect society - and there are laws in place to ensure that children have an education.
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You completely missed the meaning of Free!
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I am not talking about freedom for criminals!! Who makes these laws. If you miss a couple of weeks in education - it is so easy to catch up. States schools do not provide intensive teaching classes.

sunnie it is only illegal when you don't ask permission to take your children on holiday in school term

I arranged my holidays to co-inside when my children were off school but some people nowadays are unable to do that

and since when was anything free in this country just shortly you will be taxed on the air that you breath

I thought it was always illegal to do this, however, if it wasn't, it about time, and finally, this goverment has brought out a law that would benefit the future of this country, if they enforce it.
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thought it was always illegal to do this, however, if it wasn't, it about time, and finally, this goverment has brought out a law that would benefit the future of this country, if they enforce it.

Why should I pay more than twice as much on school holidays? I have 3 children.It is far too expensive. I do ask permission and it is granted because my children are in the top set in all subjects. Travel is an experience. Why should i wait till they have all grown up to have a holiday when it is suitable.

You probably choose the best deals. Maybe it should be extended to certain workforce. They should only be allowed out when the government decides. Benefit the future of this country? what a load of crap!

Sunnie, why do you expect each of your children�s teachers to re-schedule their work to fit around the children�s holidays? If every family did the same as you, how would the school cope? What would you say if the teachers did the same? Teachers coming and going as they pleased, different locums, different standards, would you be happy? If the holiday firms charge extra outwith Term time then yir gripe is wi them and not the Government.

Quite right sunnie, learning is NOT confined to the classroom and frankly with the standard of eduaction in some schools, the kids would benefit from having everyday off and sitting in the local pub!

All joking apart, I for one, who granted is so disenchanted with the Schools system that I educate our kids at home, think that holidays provide the perfect scenario for learning and we have travelled all over the place with our kids, ( the older ones all have excellent careers so it clearly hasn't hurt them).

There is too much interferring with the individuality of people, with the Govt trying to turn us into sheep like morons, and a holiday by and large does the whole family good. The Govt should be more concerned about the breakdown in decent relationships between parents and children because of LACK of quality time together rather than making that worse by interferring in people's annual holidays.

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How would a large company cope? Do you really think that kids would all go at once? Teachers give them homework so they can catch up. I know teachers who love thier jobs because they can have lots of time off. Companies do not offer that (3-5 weeks max) Our school have had so many teachers, locums come and go all the time, what is the difference?. A large comprehesive where both my kids have got extremely high grades = As. We have always had time off during school term when they were younger with permission. Because the MAIN issue is HOW EXPENSIVE it is . You go on holiday and then pay more than double? OUTRAGEOUS. The whole holiday industry are fleecing parents outright and something should be done about that. It is no good patronising parents. Holidays are important and educational to the FAMILY - if you have one..

"You completely missed the meaning of Free! " & "I am not talking about freedom for criminals!! Who makes these laws. "

Actually, I think you are missing the point of what a criminal is - someone who breaks the law.

Not going to school so that you can afford a cheap holiday is plain and simple trauncy (and they just put a mother in prison for that).

Stop being so ruddy selfish - you chose to have children, you knew what you were getting into. Either take your kids out of the school system and teach them at home, or comply with the law.

How much sympathy would you have if I said that I am an extremely good driver and should therefore be able to drive my car (which has better brakes etc) far faster than most other people. I should be able to drive at 50mph in a 30 zone because I am a good driver (equating your top of class), and because I am in a hurry and my time is more important than yours!

sunnie you want freedom of choice and yet you expect restrictions to be applied to the cost of holidays, is that not a contradiction? The holiday companies could make it fair and charge the higher amount all the time, then what would you do?

An why do you think that holiday companies are fleecing you.

Have you not thought that what you pay is the 'normal' price, but when it is quiet they give a 50% discount?

Do you think that every high street shop fleeces everybody except in January when the sales are on?
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Oneeyedvic You decide not to have children then it is your problem. I dont have any sympathy for people like you who interfer with family matters. Children are not like cars either.

You are selfish for not caring. Money obviously does not matter to you.

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Bottom line is YOU have a choice, we dont and must not and that is what YOU want. Good for people like you. Why should I pay ADULT price for my children (11+). YOu probably have a another ridiculous answer.
My hubby can only take holidays at certain times and very rarely in half terms so if we want a holiday we will go when we can all go together,if thats in term time then so be it!And the fact that prices strangely creep up in half term is quite baffling!I wonder why other families chose to go in term time also?
sunnie, do you not think yir being selfish because you expect schools and teachers to organise themselves to suit you?
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What do you expect? We have to fit around your lifestyle.
sunnie I'm not sure what ma lifestyle has to do with the problem. I might prefer to have a lie in on a work-day but I'd not expect ma boss to keep the office closed till I wandered in.
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Good, He should keep you away from kids.

Besides, towards the end of school term they hardly do anything - and that is a fact. THis is a good time for holidays (because it is hugely cheaper) We never take them out during exam time. We do ask for permission and are allowed 10 days. But some people think that that is'nt even right. Madness - . THe holiday industry is rolling in money. They do not need to charge such a HUGE amount extra.

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No, sorry, I meant kids should keep away from you. OUt of sight and out of mind.

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