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Democracy - do we actually want it?

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Oneeyedvic | 08:52 Mon 20th Mar 2006 | News
8 Answers
Apparently, our troops are fighting in Iraq to initially install and then maintain democracy.

If the leaders of a country are democratically elected in fair elections and they then decide (maybe even calling a referendum) to carry out a bit of ethnic cleansing, what should / would we do?


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sorry Oneeyed I thought our troops fought in Iraq because saddam had weapons of mass destruction that could be depoyed against Britain and America within 45 mins? was I misled? surley not? how can we install democracy when the ba'ath party WAS democratically elected by the iraqi people ( ok, by illegal means), shouldnt change come from within? We cant impose western style democracy on a secular style of government, it would by like a middle east army imposing islam on Britain.

If that happened then I would be an insurgent millitant and fight.

Agree wholeheartedly with John plus interesting point to note, America is NOT a democracy it's a Republic.... the irony eh?

Democracy, yes, we do want it, if its run properly, even though I agree with johnlambet on the wmd, I believe the decision to go in, wasn't a democratic one, and for that alone, although there are others, our leader should be tried not only as a war criminal, but for treason as well.
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Lonnie "we do want it, if its run properly".

Forget the first part of my question re Iraq and lets look at the second point.

What does "if its run proprely mean". If a democratically elected governement decides to do a bit of ethnic cleansing (as this is what the majority of people want) should it be allowed? There are 'democratic' countries out there who have the death penalty - just because we don't doesn't make it wrong (does it?).

I think it was Maggie Thatcher who said "Just because the amjority wants it, doesn't make it right"
again I agree with johnlambert. Plus, we should realise that some cultures/religions belief systems do not accomodate "democracy" - its like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. unfortunately, "we" are fighting a losing war. Hey, instead of forcibly imposing democracy on foreign sovereign nations, why don't we utilise a bit of diplomacy and mutual respect? Oh yeah, its because war makes alot more money!
I agree with johnlambert, and I also think the people in Iraq were not ready for a democracy just yet. If you think about it, the country has suffered 2 wars now (the gulf war and the current 'war on terror') and in between, more than 10 long years of sanctions.

Its economy has crumbled, people have suffered repression, poverty and lack of proper infrastructure for many, many years. On top of this, the country has always been unstable because of such diverse ethnic groups living within it-- it is probably because of this, that it might be safer to leave Iraq as an autonomy until the country is back in one piece, and jobs are created, basic services (medicare, education,law&order) are re-established.

I am sure in time, Iraq will come to want democracy through the will of its own people... but for now, it is too much and too soon for them.

I think I should explain, when I say we want Democracy if its run properly, i'm talking about this country, of course there are countries where it wouldn't work, and in those countries, it shouldn't be imposed, the question was, Do we want Democracy, it then goes on about Iraq, which I never commented on.

As an Englishman and Briton, I believe in the Democratic system, but in almost all the Middle Eastern countries, because of the mindset of their national, it would never work.

a sharper example might be Palestine, Vic - the US and Europe have berated them for years for being undemocratic; alas, given the opportunity to vote, they elect a government their western lecturers disapprove of. The US is currently trying to undermine the democratically elected Palestinian Authority in every way it can.

You have to relish the irony, though.

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Democracy - do we actually want it?

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