In a democracy, personal liberties are rarely diminished overnight. Rather they are lost gradually, with good intentions, amid public approval. But the subtle loss of freedom is never recognised until the crisis is over and we look back in horror. And then it is too late. (Judge Andre Napolitano).
By not protesting against omars detention we are indirectly condoning detention without trial (though we seem directly support this these days too it would seem) and torture / abuse.
I know that the accusation of torture is not proven but then very little is in an environment were secrecy, spin, outright lies and governmental abuse of power are used to control those that should be questioning their leaders actions.
If those in Guantanamo are guilty of an offence then bring them to justice within a court of law and punish them to the extent that the law allows� Again if they are enemy combatants then allow them the rights of prisoners of war� BUT DO NOT claim to bring justice to the globe whilst riding rough shod over all the principles that our democracy is supposed to be built upon.
So free Omar �. Damn right!