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Animal Rights

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!ightoftruth | 20:24 Tue 09th May 2006 | News
164 Answers
i have just read this article in the bbc m

I personally think that anyone with any link to huntingdon life sciences or any company which tests on animals is no better than anyone who profited from the holocaust because animal iis just as sick and pointless as the holocaust.

[edited by AB]


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Now that, admarlow, is very very funny: excellent link.
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So Admarlow you are suggesting that if we go beyond a cerian point in the degree of empathy we have for animals we are considered psycopaths. By that reckoning we should be locking up all buddhist monks in mental asylums.

buddists still believe that humans are more important than animals and animals are reincarnations of people who have done bad. If they do good as an animalm they will work their way back up to being a human, and if they do good at this they become enlightened, so that is totally different!!!!

admarlow you're talking rubbish. i know a phsycologist and describing vivacia as having psychosis or being psycopathic is insane in itself i do not see how you came to that ridiculas conclusion

by looking at points 2,8,and especially 11 from my link

Cleckley defined psychopathy thus:

1 Superficial charm and average or above average intelligence.
2 Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking.
3 Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations.
4 Untruthfulness and insincerity.
5 Lack of remorse or shame.
6 Antisocial behavior without apparent compunction.
7 Poor judgement and failure to learn from experience.
8 Pathological egocentricity and incapacity to love.
9 General poverty in major affective reactions.
10 Specific loss of insight.
11 Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations.
12 Fantastic and uninviting behavior with drink, and sometimes without.
13 Suicide threats rarely carried out.
14 Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated.
15 Failure to follow any life plan.

and what is the relevance of that may i ask?
what, irrational thinking, well i think that saying you might save a dog over a baby in a fire comes under this category no?? (it probabily comes under number 7 to...Poor Judgement)
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personally i would take off my shirt and wrap the baby in it and sling it round me and grab the dog. Humans have two arms remember.
thats not what you said earlier...see back....and if it was a child (not yours) that was too heavy what then?
Question Author
well if a child is so heavy you can have it in a sling under your arm then its safe to assume it is metally developed enough to grab onto you if you put it around your neck
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*"if a child is so heavy you can't have it in a sling under your arm"

admarlow, please explain what exactly you think makes a human life more important than an animal life?

oh and..admarlow if you are going to quote someone's reply make sure you do it accurately, fool.
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ok everyone i have dicovered something quite terrible. This debate which has been very good might i say to all involved must sadly come to and end. I have noticed that the thread is being used for the advertisment of animal testing equipment and this i can not allow. If anyone ever wishs to continue debating the topic with me or wishes to learn how i know all the points i do etc etc email me at [email protected].

the debate endeth now

A great many thaks to all involved
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sorry i have just refreshed the page and the nasty adds have gone and been replaced with links to sites such as the humane society so i assume its a random advertisement program linked to google or similar

the debate may continue
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may i ask many of you are against testing on animals for cosmetics. What is your stance on chemical testing.

many of you are telling me to look at what the other side are saying and i am now saying the same to you

why dont you have a look at

then post your answer
!ightoftruth throwing phrases like "any company which tests on animals is no better than anyone who profited from the holocaust because animal iis just as sick and pointless as the holocaust." is so idiotic i cannot believe you said that...such a sweeping generalisation, you mite as well be shouting racist or sexist slurs! you may not be alive if had not been for animal testing, fact is if mice or whatever where the dominat speicies and we were like them they would do the same its a means of survival of the fittest. in the jungles where there are still indigious people living of the earth...they didnt just run around trying every mushroom fungus or leaf to see if it was okay they allowed gave to their live stock to check for illness etc. plus these companies create millions of jobs for people...and in turn these people put food in their childrens bellies and clothes on their backs!!! think before you post on here again!
and "feebee" you agree with activists digging up peoples dead relatives do you!!! your sick and lacking the mental capacity you have the right to post on here!
i love my dogs and pets and i believe animals are beautiful shocked and appauled that there are only 3000 tigers left in the wild and they will probs be insticnt before i am! but there is a chain or command and control and we sit at the top of that so using the resouces we have, we as a human race must strive to improve the quality of life for all humans....u dont like. keep eating your quorn burgers etc you cannot and will not be able to stop the corporate machine...thou while making profit is making progress

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