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Knife Culture

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Alan2 | 20:53 Sun 21st May 2006 | News
90 Answers
No matter which way I look at this problem, the same little word keeps cropping up.... "BLACK" ... call me what you wish, I am only stating the facts


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so your survey of er....1 is more reliable than the whole Metropolitan Police.
No I have conducted no survey I was just stating a fact. But niether have I ignored all reasonable posts that ask you to examine the wider social inplications.Statistics can be made to say whatever you please, depending upon your point, and you my friend are very pointed ( particularly around the head).
Very mature, well what can you expect from someone who live in a fairy tail land where there is no violence culture amoung young black men, and Oporation Trident never happened.
I have lived in no fairy tale land mate make no mistake about it, and I have never said that there is no culture of violence amongst young black males. What I and other people here have said is that it is no good merely twisting statistics to suit your own obviously racist opinion.You aren't remotely interested in exploring other social factors related to violence, therefore anything you have to say is of no consequence because you have clearly demonstrated your inability to look at all factors fairly. I pointed out that I have first hand experience of repeated white against white violence on a scale that would put your London knifings very much in the shade and yet apparently that's a "survey of one"??? People hurt people, not everything is racially motivated or racially stereotypical and for you to insist it is is harmful to society as a whole and will exacerbate racial problems. Get a grip.
Oh for God's sake! No one is trying to say that black men don't commit violent crimes, they are saying that Alan2's implication that a whole section of society are predisposed to act in a criminal way because of their ethnicity is ill conceived and halfwitted and that the statistics that puportedly support such a contention are simply not detailed enough to allow any such conclusions.

this thread is not about causes, if you want to change the subject or be abusive make your own thread. This particuar thread was Alan 2 noting that he felt that the majority of stabbings were carried out by black people. He was called a racist like you have done to me (oldest, easiest trick in the book to try to discredit someone). I porved that what he stated was statistically correct and the opinion of the Metropolitan police. Where is your evidence to the contrays, or do you only specialise in name calling?

If this thread is not about causes, then what's the point? So more back men are arrested for violence than men of other races. So what? If that is what we are discussing, then there is really nothing to talk about. It was a dumb question. It wasn't even a question.

Because this is a question and answer site, I think it is fair to interpret poorly stated questions, and by doing so we were giving Alan2 more credit than he deserves.

so you agree that Alan 2's origional statement was correct, and he shouldn't have been called a racist?

No, I am interpreting his statement to mean that he was implying a cause/effect relationship. And that statement sounds racist to me.

His original statement is really open to interpretation. He just said that a certain word keeps cropping up. He does not state any statistics.

No there can be no confusion, the statement just makes the link between the words Knife Crime and Black

What ever. He even acknowledged that people would judge him. So even he knew that he sounded racist. Your'e the one who is missing the point.
no he knows what the PC brigade are like!!!!!!!!!

I really am not a member of the "pc brigade", but I have lived in the real world (which often isn't very nice at all) and I've seen the harm that stupid sweeping statements like the ones that alan2 and admarlow have made.

If all these supposedly knife wielding young black males earned �100,000 per year do you really think that they would stab anyone? Whilst it's not an excuse in any way, poverty begets violence and desperation and then it normalises it, and it's the normalisation of terrible things that bring about such destructive trends amongst the poorest cultures and areas, not the colour of your skin at birth.Now at the risk of being called immature again admarlow, shut the f**k up, or get some life experience to go with your slanted statistical analysis.

so 9 out of 10 cats didnt really prefer Whiskas after all...
admarlow, if you honestly don't think there was an insinuation in Alan2's question, you surprise me (and of course you know perfectly well what the question was about). The implication is entirely obvious - a child would get such a blatant 'sub'text.

If there were no 'sub'text, the question could not exist as Alan2 wouldn't find it worthy of comment.

Never fear, I know you're not really as thick as you're making out.

I don't get this - admarlow has said that there is a large percentage of young black men involved in knife crime, at which point he's told to provide statistical proof: when he does provide said proof, he's told that statistics mean nothing.

Come on guys, you can't have it both ways: if stats mean nothing, don't ask for them - as you did ask for them, surely you must think they are valid (or, as I strongly suspect, did you ask for them thinking admarlow wouldn't be able to provide them, and when he did you thought, 'oh sh1t - my bluff has been called and he's beaten me'?).

Thank you flip flop, and what ever your view point noxlumos there is still no need to be abusive, its the fault of people like you who refuse to see the cold hard facts of Britain today the have made this country such a mess. (free the rapist failed asylum seekers, fine people who don't recycle, take a 10 year old boy to court for racism) . My numbers were not slated statistics but official NUMBERS from one the most highly regarded police departments in the world, the Metropolitan Police. - you can't argue with the facts

Excellent thread this was, now lets put it to bed, with Admarlow the clear winner because of his unbiased views and knowledge of the subject.

I think most knife "culture" is more prevelant in inner cities and inner cities are more multi racial than say more rural areas of the country. I therefore think it is almost an "illusion" that blacks are responsible for knife culture and alot of time it is misreported by the media to make it look like it is purely a black problem. Alot of workers who promote cross- racial understanding are black or asian or from an "ethnic" minority and I think its the narrow mindeness of people who believe whay you believe Alan2, that is holding back this country from everyone being more tolerant of everyone else. After all black is just a skin colour - I think what people are most afraid of is the different lifestyle and beliefs that other people may have and using the issue of "colour" is just an excuse or smokescreen for that fact they can either not understand or do not wish to understand that someone elses beliefs may be different from theirs.

I'm going to waste no further time on your ranting admarlow, if you wish to imagine that the present state of violence in the country is the fault of reasonable people like me then that's yet another demonstration of your inability to see the wood for the tree.Doubtless you'll post again, but I'll let you have the last word, as I can't frankly be bothered with such half wittedness any longer. This place is getting morelike a BNP rally every day.

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