Normally, I only look in this section and refrain from comment, as I do think views are very polarised at either end of the thought scale, not much love or common ground shared (or sought). However as my Hubby is a 'City boy' underground user, and travels extensively in India and the States too I am just going to say that I would prefer the softly,softly approach in the main. Some of the news coverage of 7-7 was in poor taste and did very little in the way of providing proven facts ,or information. I think I would like a more co-ordinated approach to be avaliable to the Authorites I would like to know that my Hubby was in Hospital A , Mortuary B etc but do I think that this info should be avaliable to the masses, remotely - actually probably not! I have friends and neighbours who have been affected by losing people in the case of 9-11 and caught up in the mayhem of 7-7 all have shared their thoughts on how to improve things with the relevent agencies. Things happen, we learn and evolve hopefully ,so that protocol improves in the event of a reoccurence.