AB ED, with all due respect, your suggestion of pulling out of the U.N. is well founded... whose "peace-keepers" were found guilty of raping children? The U.N. personnel were French, Russian, Canadian, Ukrainian, Moroccan, and Uruguayan nationals. The esteemed Kofi Annan promised to hold those involved accountable, claiming that his �attitude to sexual exploitation and abuse is one of zero tolerance, without exception� one of his special advisers, Jordan�s Prince Zeid Raad Al Hussein, (who led one investigative team), said in a confidential report obtained by newspapers that "The situation appears to be one of 'zero-compliance with zero-tolerance' throughout the mission." The UN routinely and generously dishes out free condoms to her �peacekeepers� to protect them from AIDS, even while at the same time emphasizing a sex code forbidding sex with prostitutes and women under 18. Are the condoms to be used on married women then! (Source WSJ Editorials, and others).
Who were the 'blue helmets" responsible for the massive "Oil for Food" corruption scandal reaching all the way to Annan's son (and, probably Annan himself)? This list could go on and on, yet many U.S. and Bush haters still want to promote the U.S. as the problem. Very few have come to understand that we are already in World War III. The U.K. has only to look no further than July 7, 2005 for a larger than life clue, in my opinion