I have attend several meetings with the local Primary Care Trust regarding obesity, diet, exercise, attitudes, reasons etc.
At the first meeting we were asked to decide if the gentleman taking the meeting was over/under or normal weight, it was mainly normal with a few under weight. He then did his BMI, he was over weight, like others have said it was decided to discourage the medical staff from using this measurement.
The name of the forum was changed from The obesity forum to The weight management forum.
A dietician was asked why fruit was considered to be so good for you when it can have a lot of natural sugar in it, yet sugar from sugar beet or sugar cane is considered bad for you. Her reply was because it's processed, so she was asked how much sugar would you get from a processed sweet apple, we are still waiting for the answer.
As said before illnesses and medication can have huge effect on weight gain, sudden immobility, steroid medication [how many over-weight people have steroid inhalers],