read today that poor girl is pregant to the evil bloke who kidnaped her, she made a statment to say how upset she was at his death but she said he was the only human contact she had, it said in the report that this the stockholm syndrome comming out of her which is the victim comes sympathetic and atached to the captor. it is a trerrible situaution for her
The pregnancy will probably be a speculation by the good ol' media, if however it is true then I wish her all the strength for her to get through it!
I read her letter to the press today asking for time and privacy which is totally understandable, the poor girl's got enough to get through without the media trying to probe her! I just hope the press leave her be and respect her wishes!
yes it could be just the papers doing the talking, its awful to think she never really new if he was going to kill her or not, the years must have dragged by and she must have cryed for her mam and dad, like you i just hope the best for her too.
It's very hard to imagine what the poor girl has gone through but I think she may probably have got used to it possibly similar to an abusive relationship, it became the norm in her life with him and as she's displaying signs of stockholm syndrome then it's quite clear she'd developed some kind of connection with him which again is understandable as he was the only human contact she had!
I just keep wondering how many others are in this situation, doesn't bear thinking about really does it?!