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OK i've heard a few others' opinions now you can hear mine. The song was a loser. It was not a very catchy tune in my honest opinion, the girl (though she made an effort) didn't dress very well i thought, she sang out of tune - i am convinced this is nerves and nothing to do with technicalities or any of the "i couldn't hear" cr@p they're trying to use as an excuse - she sang the first verse out of tune, the second she was fine on, but the third went slightly out of tune again - that's nerves if you ask me. The lad was over enthusiastic and bizarre to say the least. All this equals nil point in my opinion. I am pretty sure that similarly to the UK's way of choosing, the other countries use phone voting to select their winners, so it was the people that chose the winners, and i don't think politics plays a major part for this reason. Yes the Greeks always give Cyprus 12 and vice versa, yes the scandinavian countries always give each other good marks, and yes (as shown this year with Russia finishing 3rd) the eastern bloc countries tend to vote Russia highly. I don't think however this has got doodle to do with our invasion of Iraq. Responding to some of your comments: Yes sft42 i think previously songs have had to be "europap" to win but times are changing and so are the quality of songs - there were a few IMHO that would make good chart hits (certainly considering the "pap" we have to put up with these days!) including the Russian, Belgium, Norwegian, Romanian, and Bosnia Herzigerzigovalovawovanova entries, though unfortunately it seems a europap entry won - sorry but i didn't like the Turkish entry so there you go! Andromeda - i had my money on Belgium to win as i thought it was very "Enya-esque" and i liked it, which just goes to show we all have different tastes (and would certainly explain what we often think is bizarre voting). Anyway a nice debate so three stars to all of you!