It's the most read, fastest growing newspaper in Britain today, this would suggest that the majority of uk citizens, (myself included) agree with it's editorial content
It's a good conversation starter. There's always at least one or two articles or opinions in it guaranteed to wind you up and start you off on a rant.
I suppose anything that provokes some kind of response to the news can't be all bad.
(I'm playing devil's advocate here and not really convincing myself!)
I dont think we will ever get a newspaper that reoprts in an 100% objective non bias way. If there was such a publication then yes, I would indeed subscribe to it
What about The Express, isn't that even worse than the Daily Mail?
In comparison the Mail is quite twee. Aah, Little England, isn't it niiice?
Being politically quite left leaning I find The Guardian and our local paper The Aurgus is just as irritating, because they are trying to tell me what I want to hear, and that's just not a challenge.
sg I agree that there is no challenge if you read what you want to hear. If DM readers want to rant and rave surely it would be better to take a left wing paper!
People buy papers for different reasons, I remember buying the 1st edition of The Sunday Sport, in my naivety thinking the sport was sport not Lancaster bomber found on the moon.
OK, I suppose what I am wondering is if there are any Daily Mail readers on here who aren't right wing, because in the short time I have used this site it appears that there is a group of people always referred to as 'Daily Mail Readers'
and another group called 'Woolly Liberals'. I am trying to be very diplomatic here!!!
We are great newspaper readers in our house especially Mr.S who buys all sorts of papers and spends most of the week reading them as opposed to doing anything constructive !
Personally I wouldn't give the Daily Mail houseroom.My neighbour ..bless her, passes it to me every Sunday ..I do the crossword and then bin it.It's so right wing the print nearly slants and has always been a paper for little Englanders .Conservatives with a small C who hate liberalism.It's anti everything and always has been and of course was the only paper which supported the Nazi Party during the war .Rothemere.who owned it at the time, being a friend and supporter of both Hitler and Mussolini.Mind you it was threatened with closure by the government and quickly changed it's tune when it saw how things were going..
I have lots of very good friends who read it and my brother reads it ....this is their right and privilege but I think you get a more balanced view by reading lots of different newspapers and not just sticking to one in particular .