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Heather 'ugggghh' Mills

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robertson | 20:54 Sun 22nd Oct 2006 | News
18 Answers
A few points on Heather Mills: 1. Some women seem to thrive on winding men up, thus driving them to do things they wouldn't otherwise do. 2. That permanent 'I know best, I am best' expression on her face makes your skin crawl. 3. For starters, where are those flan-flingers who've targeted the likes of Jeremy Clarkson?


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I just think she's suffering from an identity crisis, she thinks she's a Chameleon.
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A chameleon who's Karma is bad...
does she deal in black money ?
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I agree,In a pickle in principle in what you say although it does seem odd that Heather has made the accusation that Paul tried to strangle her.

He was married for thirty years to Linda and she never complained of any physical abuse in all that time.
The late Linda not complaining about marital violence does not prove anything. There are millions of battered wives who suffer in silence. So the fact that she did not once mention to the press (yeah right) or to her friends (they have come out and said but she never told us, maybe you were not such a great friend) does not mean anything. Who are we to say what paul is like within the confines of his home.
Personally, I couldn't really give a tinker's cuss about who did what or didn't do what to who, and am thoroughly bored by the whole story.

I've never quite 'got' the whole Beatles thing or MaCartney (the Frogs Chorus....I mean for F sake!), and don't particularly know anything about Heather Mills other than she is lacking in the leg department.

However, my Mrs laps all of this sort of stuff up and by all accounts Heather Mills is a latter day female Walter Mitty: this isn't the ramblings of the gutter press, she has been proven time and time again to be a even if she is telling the truth, she's screwed!

On the one hand you have a serial liar, and on the other you have a mediocre singer/musician who has been elevated to the status of a demi-god.
Agree with all you say flip flop apart from "mediocre"
no one could SERIOUSLY call Paul McCartney 's music mediocre !

Hmmm..let the evidence speak for itself...

Paul with John - dozens of Beatles classics

Paul without John - Frog Chorus and Mull Of Kintyre.

The prosecution rests m'lud.
Agreed - Lennon and McCartney together wrote some wonderful songs and I'll admit Paul without John was not the same, BUT he is still not mediocre. The Frog Song was probably the worst song ever written by him ! but there are other songs.....Ebony & Ivory, My Love, Let em in, also he did a James Bond theme which I can't remember the name of now, soooooo I thought you were a little unfair to call his music mediocre ! but we're all entitled to our opinions - as they say. As for Heather, I doubt we'll ever know what happened, but I don't really care either way do you ?
Have a good day !
Actually...I've just remembered that I liked 'Coming Up' which he released back in 1980 and had a rather clever video (updated and improved upon by Outkast with their 'Hey Ya' video) I'll give him that.

And yes, you're correct that 'Live And Let Die' was slightly splendid.

But I shall never forgive him for Mull Of Kintyre...or Pipes Of Peace or Jenny Wren or indeed Wonderful Christmastime.

I hope though, that the divorce procedings fade from the public eye...and that his hair returns to its natural colour (not 'Autumn Beechnut')
"Wonderful Christmastime" frankly nearly saw me sectioned for random attacks on the general public so inane and maddening was it. McCartney is possibly THE most overrated, standard 3 chord trick, songwriter ever.Ghastly, although I will conceed Live and let die was ok ( probably paid someone else to write that).
I find I'm quite shocked that I don't care who beat who up, or who didn't, or how much someone thinks they should get. They both strike me as shallow, money oriented ar5es, 100% unconcerned with the effect in the future this will have on their little girl.Over privileged pair of fools to be honest.
I will take one thing to task with you though robertson, you said "Some women seem the thrive on winding men up, thus driving them to do things they wouldn't otherise do"
I've really got an issue with that statement. My first wife and I used to yell and fight hammer and tongs, but you know what, I should have just walked away. It was my choice to stay and argue and hit and fight, and by definition if a man hits a woman it's his choice to do so.She does not MAKE him do anything.We are all responsible for ourselves.
As she is less physically able she will then feel disempowered, humiliated, foolish and hit him at a later opportunity verbally and emotionally to regaion some of her power and self respect, so even if Heather Mills is a 100% cow, saying and doing all sorts of evil things, it may be a symptom and not a cause. Paul McCartney may be the baddie in all this, or not, the point is we don't know, never will and so really shouldn't make nasty accusations.
Nox - apologies for reminding you of 'Wonderful Christmastime'. However, why should I be the only one on this thread with it playing over and over in my head.

Agree with you on the spousal abuse thing. A man should always walk away...but in this case, we know nothing. We only know what the accusations are.

Pity it became public.

One thing that struck me at the weekend though...suppose it didn't get leaked from Heather's lawyers?

Suppose as a very clever PR came from Paul's lawyers?

Think about the reaction it's could be a very clever game made to make Heather look bad.

But what do I know...I own a Cheeky Girls song, so you can't rely on me for any kind of analytical prowess.
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when you say you OWN one of their songs, do you mean you have the rights or simply bought one of their CDs? Believe it or not, there is actually a link between Macca and The Cheeky Girls. He lives near Rye where their home is, and they often bump into each other. Strange but true. Honest.
Maybe he didnt beat her or try to strangle her but as a woman who was beaten by her partner and was throttled repeatedly I am very glad that when I came out with what was happening people never said to me well we never saw it, or she never said anything to me. If anything did happen to her I hope she has support from her real friends. I really dont understand why people hate her so much, I dont know her so I dont have an opinion.
robertson - I own a CD.

Actually I own a CD and I downloaded (legally) another when I was drunk.

Goodsoulette - I mentioned before on a similar thread that I default to believing the abusee in these cases...I always do...but I don't with HMM, partly because I know people in the media who've worked with her (a mate in a PR agency) who described her as a liar and a fantasist - and he said this ages ago.

And this is coming from someone in PR...and they're professional liars and fantasists.
Dom Tuk, Linda could have left Paul at any time and taken �50 million with her. Her father was a lawyer, that she would endure years of physical abuse makes no sense.

I think a far more believable situation is that Heather simply doesn't get on with him. It happens all the time.
What can you say about someone daft enough to step in front of a police motorcyle which had its blues and twos on?

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