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Saddam's hangman

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johnlambert | 19:13 Sun 05th Nov 2006 | News
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How much would you pay to be the hangman at Saddam's execution? I would sacrifice my Army pension + even supply the rope,


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"I could'nt care less how low a level I stoop, at least there would be one less merciless murdering basta*d alive in this world "

Oh the irony - the world would be rid of saddam but you johnlambert would now be a merciless murdering basta*d
and the cycle continues

Death penalty increases violence and crime.
who cares....let the bastd hang. he deserves nothing better.
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Perhaps SP was aware that Nigeria is a major oil producer in Africa, just look at the news, western oil workers beinmg kidnapped on an weekly basis.
Hold on, hold on, isn't Nigeria a muslim country that persecutes it's Christian minority?
Now ain't that weird...that link worked earlier...and now it doesn't.

I feel a conspiracy theory coming on...'s just wind.

Whilst Nigeria may<i/i> be one of Africa's largest oil produces 2.51m barrels a day, it's still way behind Saudi Arabia which produces 10.37m barrels a day (source:

Also, there are aren't political motivations to invade and 'liberate' Nigeria, because (as I understand from the vast number of tracts I've had to read to support my argument) US interests in the region are no as entrenched and complicated as they are in the Middle East.

Now...can't we just go back to a time when people could post wild accusations and theories without having to back them up.

All this research makes me feel like I'm back at school.

Not exactly sure what was happening with my fact checker (aka. my brain) today.

Suffice to say, that yes, Mugabe is president of Zimbabwe, not Nigeria

I have no excuses.

I shall retire now to finish off the toad in the hole prepared by my partner for dinner.

Adios amigos.
"Oil is still worth fighting for", Ward~Minter? Where are you coming from? Why fight over something that is slowly vanishing every single day? At least land (which wars are usually fought over) doesn't shrink year on year...unless you use too much oil, of course.
I knew at the time I was leaving myself open to the old "what an insult" correction thingy at the time Dom. So now I feel I must say yes I'm aware that their culture was writing great works of literature composing star charts and developing medicinal concepts while we were dressed in bear skins painting our faces blue while strugling with the idea of language, but what the heck happened?

Is organized religion realy a good thing I wonder.
Not as much as I'd pay to be Tony Blair's.
i say stick him in a cell for the rest of his life and let him get bummed to death by Knuckles McHumper...

I say the time is ripe for disorganised religion. Mass wouldn't start on time...people would turn up to church to get married, and instead would be buried.

There would be no more religious wars, because no-one would know which doctrines they are fighting against.

If disorganised religion became popular, perhaps the idea could be spread to disorganised crime...

"He made him an offer he couldn't remember..."

and so forth.
Thanks for making me chuckle, joko. Actually it wasn't a chuckle..more of a pee-my-pants-laugh-out-loud :o)

I have always said that I would never attend an execution ~ not even if the criminal had murdered my kids. As much as I would like the idea of the bastad no longer living, I wouldn't wish to be the executioner..nor part of the baying crowd.
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LOL..thank you wardy :o)

That was one of my favourite films when I was a youngster.
Sp, you mean you've never read Robert Anton Wilson?!!??
I Always assumed you were a fully fledged Discordian already.... :)
As much as the ******* doesn't deserve to live, won't he be seen as a martyr by his followers ?
Maybe martyr is the wrong choice of word as he is not choosing his own death, but you know what I mean, somehow there is a way in which he could be seen as the victor when quite clearly he shouldn't be.

The last thing I read was Heat magazine.

Are you now beginning to see my level of intellect?

Scary huh - and I'm allowed to vote.

Good Lord man.

I clicked on / and got only two lines into Wilson's introduction for the fourth edition before having to give up.

I'll leave all that to you.

Me? I'm happy to know that Charlotte Church has put on weight again and that Paris Hilton was seen shopping in LA with chipped toenail paint.
Maybe now you know why my answers are always so addled .Lol
"This book is a mirror. When a monkey looks in, no apostle looks out."
I also think the Daily Mail have based their entire journalistic "style" (and I use the word loosely) on the Discordian Epistle to the Paranoid.
1. Ye have locked yerselves up in cages of fear--and, behold, do ye now
complain that ye lack FREEDOM!

2. Ye have cast out yer brothers for devils and now complain ye, lamenting,
that ye've been left to fight alone.

I could go on but people will assume I'm madder than they do already :)
The illuminati I can deal with, but Heat magazine truly terrifies me.

I wouldn't. I would do it for nowt. I have a suitable bit of stretchy rope that would do, so the bastud could bounce up and down, slowly choking, and prolong his pain, for a long long time.

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