Well I'm one of those that lost money to Farepak, a lot of people have asked me why I didn't put money into the bank instead of Farepak, If I'd done that this year as I had done previous years I'd be still skint after dipping into it for all the things that have cropped up throughout the year! Hindsight is a wonderful thing!!
This was the first year I'd used a company like Farepak as I thought my money would be safe and I'd be financially organised for Christmas, I saved just over �100 for vouchers, all that is now lost, it may just be a few quid to some but to me it's a lot of money and I am angry and upset about it but I'm not going to let farepak fatcats spoil my Christmas, my son understands that things will be a bit tighter this year but I have, hopefully, brought him up well enough to value whatever he does receive!
I would never have him on tv crying like I've seen other kids, I find that a bit spoilt brattish and a tug on the heart strings too far. Although things are tough financially they can still have a good time, I know me and my son will!
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your brother flip-flop!