I get so annoyed when people like bigmalc get so hysterical when someone suggests that immigration is causing problems.
They make all sorts of stupid statements about "no crime before immigrants etc".
We DO have a right to be concerned.
Did you know that 85% of "hole in the wall" credit card crime is done by Romanians.
Did you know that the police have an organization that does nothing else but try to solve Black gun shootings, called operation trident.
And here, in some areas a TENTH of all crime is carried out by Eastern European immigrants.
http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-233 72964-details/Eastern%20European%20immigrants% 20carry%20out%20tenth%20of%20crime/article.do
So we DO have a right to be concerned.
It does not HAVE to be like this.
We CAN control who comes here (Australia do, so can we).
But our weak, lazy, badly run governments (both main parties) have sat back and allowed about HALF A MILLION illegal immigrants to come here.
We have also allowed over HALF A MILLION people from eastern europe to settle here, some who already have major crimes to their name in their own country.
I am not saying all immigrants are bad, but our pathetic policies have allowed us to be home to thousands of people who we do not want here and are making our life hell.