Nothing we say can in anyway alter the fact that such crimes as these are horrible & cowardly, and here comes a BUT.
Speaking generally though, prostitutes are also committing a crime if not more than one crime.
On the media, they seem to shy away from the word prostitute or common prostitute as they were once called.
Now in this PC world we all live in, they call them working girls, who are working in the sex industry, (which in itself an insult to all decent working girl) No matter in what fancy words one wraps it up in, it is still a disgusting crime, selling ones body.
There is also talk about feeling sorry, for the sorry lives they lead, excuse me but in most incidences they are not forced into this trade, they are in it for the money, whether for sheer greed or to feed a drug habit (and whos fault is that)?
The Police ask them to keep off the streets, in the present dangerous situation, but should not the Police arrest them if they find them on the streets? These women are most likley obtaining state benefits whilst also conducting their illicit trade, isn't this also not a crime? There are many law abiding women that have to live on benefits and perhaps also hold down a little part time job, but if their money goes over a certain limit the benefit agencies soon crack down on them, (Benefit fraud is a crime says the TV advert).
I know that it is not in the best of taste to approach this topic in the circumstances, and I opologise for that, but I just think that while this subject is topical, these matters should be open for disscusion.