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Ipswich Murders

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katangel26 | 16:49 Tue 12th Dec 2006 | News
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Two more bodies found near where the third one was found. 5!!!!!!!!!!
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Hmmm, i told you they would find more...
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I'm never going out here again!
The problem is if these are NOT the 2 reported missing girls - Paula and Annette, according to early reports these bodies have been there for a while, and the 2 missing have only been gone for a week / few days.
You've done forensic psychology pitstop - what do you think about the fact that at least three of the murders have been committed in a relatively short period of time (assuming they are all related)? Looking at other killers, there seems to be a bit more time between each murder. But this one seems to have reached a killing frenzy - at least 3 dead in about 6/7 weeks. Does the time of year have anything to do with it do you think?
Just a hunch, bit I think he/she is linked to the previous killings of the early 2000's and has been in prison for some more minor crime, he is pent up and has recently been released and has several years of frustration he needs to let go of!!
Alternatively he has no link to the other crimes and has recently been dumped/used etc and is out for revenge, once a killer has killed the fear goes and it becomes a game...the publicity will fire him on, maybe that is what the police hope and that he will slip up.
I would say that if the girls of Ipswich go quiet that he will not hesitate to move to another town. He has the taste for it now....Barmaid stay safe & do NOT take any risks, along with your pals!!!!
It's a crazy crazy world....
Thanks Pitstopbunny. Don't worry, I have no intention of taking any risks. The guys at work are being really good. They have undertaken to make sure that any women who can't fit in the car park (limited spaces) get walked to their cars after dark. A number of us said we would not now attend the Christmas do, but the men have said they will ensure that we get home safely. I KNOW HE/SHE/THEY is/are only targetting prostitutes at the moment, as opposed to lawyers(!) but none of us want to take any sort of risk on the basis that any woman is a potential target. I just hope all other women in the area can be assured of such support and don't take any unnecessary risks. I know a number of employers are taking similar precautions for female staff. Let's hope they get him quickly before anyone else has to die.
we should have a sweepstake on how many,before he gets caught
Pitstopbunny, you are not a psychiatrist or a Psychologist you are talking out of your arse
A wee bit tactless Norm.

I think he will commit suicide in next couple of days. Someone will be found hanged in their home.
zorro some bloke jumped onto A11 yesterday, I think its him
And kev I think pitstopbunny has some very valid points. So unless you know otherwise let her have her opinion.
and i was shocked to find that statistics in this area revealed ther are 395 registered sex offenders it quite unbelieveable how in the dark we are about this kind of thing till something major happens
I never claimed that I was either a psychiatrist or a psychologist, I said I had studied forensic psychology, which is something totally different.
Fms trust no-one :-)
What I think really brings this home is last night the news showed a repeat of an interview with a prostitute living in that area and she had her back to the camera and a hood over her head as a form of anonymity so all you could see was the back a well covered up woman.....two weeks later she became one of those who have been murdered.
It's horribly like the 1999 murder in the same near area too
Not just one previous case but 5 - scroll to about half way down where I detail them out! - frightening reality!!

http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/News/Question33 3807.html
my apologies to you pitstopbunny - I never saw that post of yours until you mentioned it now but I do really wonder if there is a link between all these murders a few years ago and what is happening now.
I am quite sure this man has killed over many years.
Men of this type usually come from disfunctional and very abusive childhoods.
He may or may not have been sexually abused.
Fantasy plays a large part in the thoughts of serial killers as they are usually very 'visionary'. When thesef antasies hold little excitement they then move to the real thing. I'm talking killing animals initially, then, when this does not privide the 'fix' they move on to people. They will 'learn' from each killing, become 'organised' and may use 'staging' to redirect the investigation.

Sometimes just 'reliving' the thought of previous killings will be enough and this is way there are 'gaps' between previous killings.

He is not picking on prostitutes for a 'higher good' but because they are unfortunately a easy target as they will get into a car/van.
These killings are not sexually motivated but by humiliation, domination and control.

The reason he may have chosen now to go on a killing spree, may be to 'goad' the police for convicting the wrong man for the murder of Dawn Walker. see website www.kevinnunn.webeden.co.uk for more details.

Kevin Nunn was wrongly convicted three weeks ago at IPSWICH Crown Court. The forst body was found following his sentence.

Stricking similarities between Ipswich murders and Dawn Walker. It transpired during the trial she wanted to become a 'call girl'

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