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Another 3 lost this weekend, when will it end?

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Kathyan | 22:02 Mon 15th Jan 2007 | News
16 Answers
Another 3 soldiers have lost their lives because of this illegal war of Tony Blair. How many more will have to die before he finally brings them all home from Iraq?


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He won't, and I don;t really think he cares either, but in reality, he needs orders from accross the pond, don't forget also, not only is he dismantling and destroying this country, he;s doing the same to the armed forces.
Geo Bush has ordered a surge of US troops into Iraq hotspots. Just like Fallujeah the fighters will disappear only to return later. But where will they go in the meantime? Some suggested they will move to calmer areas occupied by British troops. If so prepare for more British troops being sent not less!
I still find it odd that a war can be illegal.
Slaughter of our fellow humans can be legal? Very weird concept. Only a politician can justify mass murder by saying it's legal.
Surely it comes down to whether it's right or wrong and not about dotting the I's and crossing the T's?
and the 34,000 Iraqi's killed this year alone are neither here nor there?
Llamatron, I also oppose this war but to say all wars are illegal and unjustified is a bit much surely?

Germany in 1939 was systematically killing Jews and invading neighbouring countries. What should we have done? Impose sanctions? Give it a stern talking to? Send it to bed without any tea?
You missed my point.

I'm not saying war is right or wrong I'm saying that justifying war based on legalisms is wrong.

We could have a law that says all blond people should be stoned to death. Would that make it right? Of course not. Just because something is legal does not make something right.

Wars cannot be justified with laws they should come down to whether it's the right thing to do or not.

But that's just my opinion.
They won.t come home until there is regime change.

it just beats the heck out of do Blair and Bush sleep nights??!!
As much as I hate Blair, I applaud his decision to stay and fight in both afghanistan and Iraq. What I detest is his treatment of our forces in expenditure and kit etc.

By you saying the war is illegal, then surely the servicemen are breaking the law aswell? You can't say "they are just following orders" because otherwise you are getting in to the realms of the SS and the holocaust camps.

Murder, for example, has to be "under the Queen's peace" as per the definition, hence excluding active combat from such national, and more importantly, international laws.

It is insensitive and basically rather stupid referring to the war as "illegal".

Terrorisms breeds in these hosile countries. Since 9/11 we have had few tube bombs in London and not much else. To my knowledge, nothing in USA.

Yes, the 7/7 attacks were awful and may the camel-humping kiddy-fiddling muslims who killed themselves in the bombs being burning red hot in Christian Hell as we speak, but in the grand scheme of things, we have been safe from Al Quaeda and other islamic groups. If the worse they can do is have some mad, evil pro-rape clerics (some without hands!) preach in London, I can live with it. Job well done to our boys and girls fighting for a better world order.

The war shall continue, death to the terrorists, death to their families and bring on a better world order.

God save the Queen and bless those facing Iraqi and Afghanistani insurgence.
Wardy you're a piece of work and no mistake.

You say referring to the war as illeagal is "stuoid" and yet apparently see no irony in using terms like "camel humping, kiddy-fiddling muslims" in the same post.

Do you actually expect people to take you seriously?

The thing is we kind of have to ignore the rights and wrongs or legality of the war now and look very pragmatically about what a pull out of either Iraq or Afghanistan would mean.

In both cases the local governments have clearly got insufficient resources to hold the countries so you'd have a civil war.

I think it's unlikely that the winner of such a civil war would be friendly towards western countries and would be likely to sponsor attacks, habour fugitives and train terrorists.

So the question is how many civilian deaths are you willing to exchange to "bring the troops home"

1 Jumbo Jet load? 2?

If you thought invading Iraq was a bad idea (and let's face it most of us did ) that could be nothing compared to pulling out too soon
Wardy wrote - "Since 9/11 we have had few tube bombs in London and not much else. "

Callous to dismiss the Terrorist attacks on London so. Do you think London was picked randomly by these Jihadists or because we are fighting Wars with them?

jake, I have made it clear in my post that the insults were aimed at the terrorists and not some ranndom racist slur on an entire race or religion. If I am a bad man for insulting terrorists, I am happy to be bad. real bad.

gromit. where have I dismissed the attacks?????? What I have stated is that since the war we have had 4 relatively small bombs in london. This is quite awful, and is justifed to nuke the entire arab world in my opinion. The point I am making is the war on terror is working.

For example, I am certain their are WOMD's somewhere, probably still in Iraq. Have they been used? No. Has there been an anthrax attack on British soil? No. Has there been any more suidide bombers in the UK or USA? No. Hijaked aeroplanes? No. No, No, No.

We are safe. Don't ever say I dismiss attacks on us Brits. Terrorists are worse than kiddy fiddlers (though many Islamic ones play with children in a wrong way). Death to the terrorists and may they die in agony screaming for their ugly and stinking mothers.
Jake, further. I can not put a number of civilian deaths. If the mad folk of Iraq want to kill eachother after we have helped, perhaps they are a lost cause. You can not put a number on deaths. all I know is the USA and UK do not bomb civvie targets. It is inevitable that some will die.

Further, people voted Blair in, these people should accept his decision. That is called democracy.
Don't worry folks, if we all ignore Wardy, he might disappear...
Ctrak, an hilarious post from you I see. Well done.

So you think it is wrong that I insult terrorists do you? If that is the case may you and your children (if you have any) suffer and die real soon before your acceptance kills more innocent Brits both home and abroad. Commies like you, are the cause of suffering in the world, not the liberal majority like moi!!!!
Well said Wardy, I am on your side even if I don't agree with all the time.

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