blair = cynical liar
if we pull every single troop out today, tomorrow or in ten years time it makes no difference to the final outcome in Iraq.
Democracy is just a pap western term being bandied about, civil war is the natural outcome of the events in Iraq.
We should save our troops lives by getting them out now, likewise the USA and all the other troops, and let them fight it out amongst themselves which is what they have wanted all along.
The USA seems incapable of learning a lesson, they got a hiding in Indo-China but still they want to try and dominate and put their versions of how a country should be run on others.
If the USA and UK had any sense they would have saved themselves a lot of bother by hitting Iran in the first place, who are now playing exactly the same game as Saddam did.
Having seen the outcome of being attacked by the USA, Iran is obviously not in the slightest bit worried.