i agree loosehead, the worm has turned.
no excuse for rudeness though, and the only time I would mention it, is if it was inside, and even then i would be polite about it.
i really could not care less about the feelings of smokers ( i don't mean personally, i mean generally)
in that generally they don't like the ban, obviously, but i find many expect sympathy from me about their ''plight''!
they have never given a toss about my asthmatic lungs or my right not to stink of smoke - and even the occasional ciggy burn on my arm or through my clothes - so although i can understand that they are upset, i really cannot find an ounce of sympathy in me for them.
I actually hope that many smokers use this law as an opportunity to quit completely - for themselves, as well as for me, i think they will be glad once they have done it.
so many ex smokers comment on the benefits of giving up - more cash, sense of smell and taste, convenience, etc etc.
my sister gave up to have her baby and she is chuffed to bits at the difference in herself.