"oneeyedvic, i think you should get a little more information about benifits, you have to pay for your prescriptions if you are on sick benefit ,incapacity benefit , mobility allowance, and many other benefits,"
http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Bfsl1/BenefitsAndF inancialSupport/DG_10018978
You are correct that people with a large amount of savings cannot get free prescriptions. The free prescriptions are available for those on low incomes / can't afford it.
Yes they are closing down care homes in Staffordshire - so that they can take care of people in their own homes. I'm sorry that you think that this is a backward step. Personally, most people I speak to would prefer to live in their own homes than be taken into a care home.
Yes I do believe that money should be sent abroad - by a quirk of fate we were lucky enough to be born in a great country where we take so much for granted - be it medical / food / clean water etc. I have no problem with trying to help other countries / people live a little longer in better conditions.
With regards Herceptin - it is now available on the NHS (though trials of the drug has shown it can increase the chance a woman treated for early stage breast cancer will still be disease-free after three years by 6%) - not a great deal , but great if you are in that 6%.
No, I didn't think you would look at the BNP councillors - you would rather vote for people and not actually know what they are like. I really do dislike Labour (as you could see by any of my previous posts about them) , but compared to the BNP they are angels.