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About time ?

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Neilzulu1 | 16:46 Wed 09th May 2007 | News
201 Answers
After the abduction of that poor little girl in Portugal. Is it not time that we should adopt a complete zero tolerance on animals that prey on kids. I know it is not a foregone conclusion that it is indeed a nonce responsible, but i sadly feel it is but a matter of time until it is the case. I wish that we could bring back hanging for these b##tards. Kids should be safe all of the time. Parents should not have to worry about deviants . (Footnote) Please do not post comments regarding "why did the parents leave her there ?" as i am sure they will live with that for the rest of their lives.


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feist, so they all of a sudden say oh i will rape a child today ? BOLL#CKS. So grooming someone over a period of time or pretending to be someone else in a chat room is a mental illness ? No , you are just making an excuse. When has it been proven it is a mental illness? Hang them all, the sooner the better.
so if its an illness how come they arent detained for life in a secure unit?but no we have do gooders in society who want them out on the streets living next to schools.becoming priests or whatever roles that they like how many of these perverts slip through the vetting process?hang them after their first offence then they wont be able to prey on our kids anymore..
Google it Nelly, I'll give you a start tml
(note the word 'disorder')
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Nelly, he is a singer You are either a left wing hippy or a nonce. Which one? as you are going to massive lenghts to make excuses for them.
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The cause or causes of pedophilia are not well understood. ..........That is a line from your link, you still have not explained how grooming and impersonating someone else on a chat line is a mental illness ?
stokeaceif we had the same laws as the united states you would soon see the abusing of children in this country reduce to almost nothing"

In America there are over 1/2 Million people registered on the Sex offenders register.

Have a read of this recent arrest : ases/D3CB9B75E1A2D864852572C0007BC71D

Hardly stopped the problem over there has it?
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Oh hes back again, one of the do not touch the nonces brigade. Vic, you still insist on making excuses for these dirty bas#ards. Not to point out something obvious but what ratio is that compared to England. IMEAN THERE WOULD BE MORE OVER THERE AS IT IS A MUCH LARGER COUNTRY. STOP GIVING DUH RESPONSES.
stokeace ~ I believe the death penalty was still in place when Brady & Hindley commited their crimes, and was abolished during their trial.

Brady is of course insane, and is spending his life under psychiatric care/supervision.
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So Myra Hindley was a sexual murderer, yet she was not suffering from a mental illness. Explain that them know it all .

Do you really believe that people who don't agree with your views are left wingers or nonces?

Wow - that's a nasty little demographic!

Has it not occurred to you that educated people might disagree with you, simply because your views are based on supposition and emotion?

Sex offenders, rapists and child you think that if one is hanged, it'll deter the rest? I doubt that simply because I can't think of anywhere in the world where that has happened.

Go take a look at the figures for sex crimes in US states that have the death penalty for murder, and compare those to the states that done. There was a Harvard study a few years back that concluded that the death penalty makes no difference to the incidents of serious crime (including sex crimes which end in murder).

Face it - all you're talking about is revenge. From what you've posted on this subject, it appears that your primary objective is revenge, for the sake of the parents of the kids involved.

Is that the case? Do you think that bloodlust and revenge should be the primary motivators behind UK criminal legislation?

Also, do you really think that Vic is 'Friend Of The Paedos' or were you just trying to rile him?

Not good really, Neil...not good.

And before you ask, no, I'm not a 'nonce', or a ribald lefty. I'm 'centre-left' and I don't think that laws should be changed to appeal to the 'villagers with flaming torches' brigade.

One last thing - you need to learn the difference between a typo (iimpressive) and poor spelling (say, 'impresive').
lets get this into perspective shall we?do children go out to play and ask to be abducted,sexually abused and they dont.its evil minded people who do that whether they are mentally unstable or not and i believe that a lot of them just CLAIM to be mentally ill.oneyevic in america there are about 200 million people residing there so its not surprising that there are more incidents over there.pippa ruth ellis was the last person to be hanged in the uk and capital punishment was abolished soon after im not sure of the exact date though.but the sooner they bring it back the better then our streets might just be a little safer for our kids.

Ha ha ha...I've just read your response to Vic.

You didn't understand his point, did you?

Total population of America is about 290million.

Of that number 42% are men aged 15-44 (I got that from the US Census Bureau (

Now, that means about 122million men, right?

Now out of that 122million - how many do you think are paedophiles? Would you say that one percent would be fair? Less? More?

Let's go with 1%.

One percent of 122million is 1.2million.

Why would there be so many paedophiles in a country that, in many states, still has the death penalty?

My theory is that for want of a better word - paedophilia is an urge that simply cannot be restrained. The threat of a death penalty will not deter a paedophile, and the US proves that...doesn't it?

Well one half of the duo was/is mentally ill so with that example we are on 50/50, yes?

Actually the Brady & Hindley case is strange. Was/is he a paedophile? he sexually abused all but one of his victims, whose ages ranged from 10 up to 16 (the 17 year old wasn't sexually abused as far as I am aware). Therefore, as we have to include the 16 year old in the equation he wouldn't neccesarily be a classed as a paedophile as they are only sexually attracted to children. Brady is a mentally ill sadist ~ this has been proven.

If the death penalty had been in force at the time there is no doubt in my mind that Hindley would have hanged..even though her part in the murders was argued. Brady may not have done due to his mental illness. To be honest I am not sure about that one and will have to read through that part of the case again.

Please note I have not been rude to you. I do not profess to be a 'know it all'..that is something I think can rest on your shoulders.

I posted my last reply in response to stokeace regarding his post about the death penalty being a deterrent.

stokeace ~ Ruth Ellis was the last woman to be 1955. The death penalty was abolished in 1965.
pippa68 i stand corrected after a bit of research the last hangings in the uk took place on the 13th august 1964 and in 1965 capital was suspended for 5 years and abolished fully in 1969.what is the old biblical saying?an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth i believe......and that is the word from the big man upstairs.........................
Yup, you are right stokeace :o)

And the words of Pierrepoint, our last hangman?

''The death penalty only ever achieved one thing..revenge''

One thing I will get straight here, and that is that I totally believe in the life sentence. What I am against is the death penalty. I have often been asked how I would feel if one of my children was murdered. That really should be obvious. I would be devastated. No punishment given would change the fact that my child is gone. The death penalty would not make me feel better.

Nothing would make me feel any better.

I have read articles by victims and victims families following suicides by the criminals. They have spoken about the fact that they feel as if the criminal has taken the 'easy way out' and that they would have preferred them to have lived in prison for the rest of their term. Of course this doesn't speak for all, but it is worth noting.

pippa68 if someone ever did any harm to my kids there is nothing more i would love to see was them hanging from a rope or recieving a lethal injection thats assuming i didnt get to them cant even imagine what these poor parents go through i suppose its each to their own but it would be interesting to see which way the public would vote in a referendum on the capital punishment issue.
stokeace</b.what is the old biblical saying?an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth i believe......and that is the word from the big man upstairs.........................

yes, He said that in Leviticus 24-20.

In Leviticus 24-23 he then says that anyone who blasphemes should be stoned to death.

Have you ever blasphemed? ( 6890.html

so what if we withdraw and he will see how much his country descends into anarchy god knows there has been enough uk and american blood spilt to help his country.his words - isn't using God's name in vein Blasphemous?

And what were your views on Muslims taking the Koran literally again?
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Keep on this thread pls Vic, as you have tried to side track it enough already.
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Acid test question : God forbid, but if one of your family was raped by one of these perverts, would you be happy to see them go into a mental hospital and possibly be returned to society. Knowing one day , your family member could bump into them or read about them re offending, thus bringing their own despair back again ?

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