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Tories now more left-wing than Labour?

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Gromit | 15:16 Thu 17th May 2007 | News
2 Answers
The news that the New Tories completely reject the Grammar School system so long a sacred cow of Conservativism for decades, along with other recent proclaimations on the environment and low pay, does this mean the Tories now occupy a position say slightly to the left of Harold Wilson's old Labour Party? .stm


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I suspect Cameron is taking a leaf out of Blair's book by saying what he thinks some of the electorate (ie those who wouldn't normally vote Conservative) want to hear. Obviously when the election is won he changes his tune and does exactly what he wants. It's called modern politics and is the reason why politicians are treated with more contempt than estate agents. Brown will follow a similar strategy.
Scots, I agree completely. He's making what he thinks are the right noises, not just in this area, but in every area.

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Tories now more left-wing than Labour?

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