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What are the big issues of today?

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Sweep2k | 13:22 Wed 13th Jun 2007 | News
25 Answers
We're constantly bombarded with debates and soundbites on a range of issues. If you were in charge which would your priorities? How would you rank the following issues in terms of importance?

Iraq, immigration, the tax we pay, the EC, dealing with sex offenders, third world debt, the olympics, our cultural heritage, madeleine mccann, the england football team, keeping the pound.

Just interested in getting a barometer of people's main issues.


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Love it flip_flop...
Here we go again ! First it's the bloody sports section knocking Liverpool now on here too ! Can somebody explain to me WHY so many derogatory remarks are posted about Liverpool and its people ? and not just the football club.
OK , so now lets try Manchester or Birmingham or Leeds or Glasgow, (any digs about the FORMER city of culture ?) These are ALL great cities ! Come on guys, flip flop, haggisdj lets 'bash' Leeds first eh ????
Apologies Sweep2k didn't intend to go off thread !!!
Oh dear - what happened to that 'legendary' scouse sense of humour we are always being told about. By scousers.
Islam on the march everywhere. Immans telling their flocks to carry themselves as Victors. And we invite them in.

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What are the big issues of today?

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