I don't have very strong feeling on this but I'm an opt inner for 2 reasons, all you pro opt outers try and convince me:
1. To opt out you have to carry some sort of card all the time, i know I don't always have all my cards with me, is there an alternative? What about forget the cards but have the opt inners have a small tattoo say under the foot, that way cards will be unnecessary, I'd happily do the same to opt out.
2. Touched on by Clanad, I am told that in order for organs to be useful they have to come from a live person, I may be wrong on this so convince me they don't hack you up before you are dead, or indeed hasten death for harvesting purposes.
I just don't trust the arrogance of the medical profession. Also how do I know to what lengths medics my go to to find my opt out card etc, I just think it will deteriorate into medics playing god in the backs of ambulances. Sorry guys I need convincing!