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Is there any adult opinion allowed

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lovejoy | 19:03 Mon 06th Aug 2007 | News
12 Answers
on this site?

I've had two posts banned neither of which were in any way offensive to adults and neither have I been given any explanation as to what I posted was considered offensive.

Come on ab is this a childrens site?


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Define "adult opinion".
Well, it's a bit hard for us to judge without seeing them, but the AB editing is often quite frustrating. For example, they seem to actively ignore posts in which people stick numbers in words to bypass the swearfilter (and sometimes do so for posts which are explicitly slanderous and derogatory on issues of race), and also have this word marked down as a swearword (which it quite blatantly isn't).

To be fair, they seem broadly to do a good job, though. If something gets deleted/edited, then that's usually a guarantee it's done something especially bad.
You're link comes up as *******
Maybe not a childrens site but not exclusively an adult site either! More of a family site I think!
clairey: That's really strange. I think it's because said word appears in the url, so it's thus automatically and appears as such.

Bloody AnswerBank and it's limited vocabulary...

It's a Google link. Google doesn't like the word either. What does it rhyme with?
I'm sure I read somewhere that f**k is one of the most diversely used words in the english language.

I'm now going to sit here and think about all it's meanings which beats doing the stats I suppose.
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I'm not talking about using foul language people, I'm simply talking about being able to express an opinion without it being censored

For Lords sake we are not in infant school
It's a Google link. Google doesn't like the word either. What does it rhyme with?

That's not why it's starred-out on google. Because I searched for it, the word appears in the URL, which is thus in the code I used to provide the link in my post. Because the word is starred-out by AB in the URL, what you're opening is a window that leads to a search for a starred-out word rather than the one I typed.

It rhymes with 'heckless' and means 'useless or incompetent'.
I'm not talking about using foul language people, I'm simply talking about being able to express an opinion without it being censored

AnswerBank is (shockingly) libertarian when it comes to allowing people to express views (as you can see by just looking around, and I'm not just talking about the average right-wing post here). Usually when they actually do something, it's warranted.
Kromovaracun, I think the word f*ck is banned because Irish priests use it all the time as a variant on f*ck... er, if you see what I mean. So the system bans f*ckless too; and if I wanted to describe my hard-working and thrifty neighbour as f*ckful, that probably wouldn't get through either.

In fact I don't know whether any of this post will.
We're still waiting for a clue as to the nature of this banned opinion.

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Is there any adult opinion allowed

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