Pakistan and India are 2 of the 4 countries in the world that are not signatories to it, both countries possess and have openly tested nuclear weapons, Iran is a signatory to the non proliferation treaty so why does amercia have a fixation with Iran and not Pakistan or India?
so true bob.: iran has oil, pakistan is "helping" us w afghanistan, what does india have to offer? our pres. invades anywhere we have something to gain. sad but true
True kyra, take the invasion of Iraq, remember that Iraq had WoMD and could launch then within 40 mins? Invade they did and I am sure it was only to secure a low cost oil supply to the rich oil using west.
Iran again another Oil rich nation, is the in the sights of Bush but will it turn into a nother Iraq, and that they are not enriching uranium for wepons but that they are telling the truth.
I'm afraid the nuclear non-proliferation treaty is a bit of a joke.
It also calls for coutries with existing nuclear weapons.."to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control."
I'm sure you've seen a lot of that going on in the US and The UK and France, Russia and China haven't you?
That part of the treaty is conveniently forgotten when the old nuclear powers want to have a go at the new ones