its always sad when anyond dies whether they are famous or not,the only time i dont feel sorry for someone who has died its when some smack head kills themselves of a drugs overdose,but even then they are still someones family...............
I am sorry knobbynonut, I don't understand ? I have observed, who could miss it, your severe mental handicaps and inability to spell even the simplest English words, but I really don't know what you are talking about.
partly because 2 young children died doc and one of the greatest exponents of one of the hardest sports in the world died along with his friend, a man who unlike you has achieved in life and im sure had he lived would not have spent his retirement on ab unlike you, you may not have heard of him but i can guarantee a lot more have not heard of you you ignorant bitter banjo playing tosspot
hi doc, if it means so little to you, why start "sorry to say it...."
clearly by apologising to start with you know that either most people reading will feel differently to you or you DO have some empathy after all!
Fame claims another victim, if u think about it if he wasnt famous he probably would not of had a helicopter in the 1st place then they would all still be alive now,so fame is to blame!
doc: i agree w you; dunno why everyones jumpin down your throat. people immed. connect w anyone famous but regular folk are passed by w/o barely a glance.