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Muslim Name.........

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feelap | 13:55 Sat 01st Dec 2007 | News
49 Answers
Since the name Muhammed/Mohammed is considered only for the propeht.........why are there so many people with that name? By naming your son that, isnt that considered blasphemous?


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admarlow I posted a link to the MCB website days ago and pointed out they disagreed wi the actions in The Sudan so try to get yir facts right okay?
totally agree with doc spock....theyre also smelly under there too i suspect ........wonder do they wear sussy gear under there? for the hubby like!!!! no offence taken
i hve got my facts right, you are saying that they are justified in being offended and I have pointed out that other MUSLIMS say they have NO right to be offended, you can't argue both sides.
Wasn't there a story about a Christian girl who was banned from wearing a crucifix because it was offensive to muslims a while back???
everything is offensive to muslims, its their default emotion
...I think corbyloon has just realised he is arguing against himself and has gone back to reading the Guardian
It's not the woman wearing the veil, that offends me it's what it symbolises, that i take offence at. As Berly pointed out, it's mans dominance over women. They regard themselves as far more superior, even to the point that in some cultures women are not allowed to be educated. I have a right to be educated, a right to voice my opinion, a right to dress as i please, and i strongly believe that every human being should be entitled to these rights, more so if they're living in a democratic society.
Anyone can be offended by a slight to their religion, be it muslim or christian. The difference lies in how you react to it . Of course, you can protest , and show you don't approve. In a civilized society (and there lies the difference) that is usually all you need to right a possible wrong. No need for bloodshed. That's primitive.

Oppression is a form of fear, so when these men keep their wives (literally) under wraps, what are they afraid of?
That the women are more intelligent and could show them up for the spineless individuals that they are? They only feel strong in a crowd. On their own, they're weeds.
I am deaf and cannot communicate with people who cover their faces, whether it be by motorcycle helmet, scarf or bhurka.
If a child's teddy bear were to be put on sale under the name "Jesus Christ," do you not think there would be objections made?

the trouble with that statement TCL is the fact that this wasnt a teddy bear put on the market as a money making scheme. It was a teddy bear that children in the womans class named themselves! very different i think!
La ilaha illa'llah Muhammad Rasulullah

The question asks about Muhammad/Mohammed/Mahomad/Mahomet but is based on a wrong assumption. The name is not reserved only for the prophet - it is an ordinary name which was around long before the advent of Islam in the period when Arabs worshipped 360 different deities. The 99 names of Allah in the Qur'an are reserved for Allah plus the 100'th (the Greatest Name) which is known only to Him.

People name their sons Muhammad simply in honour of the Prophet - just the same as people in many countries name their sons Jesus in honour of the Son.

In all there are 3000 names for Allah - 1000 known only by the Angels, 1000 known only by the Prophets, 300 in the Torah, 300 in the Zabur, 300 in the New Testament, 99 in the Qur'an plus Ism Allah ala'zam, The Greatest Name of Allah, which is thought to be Ya Rah.
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I'm pretty sure they wouldn't start flapping but I've just named my teddy Jesus Christ so see if anything happens.
Of course ,if we had identity cards covering the face would have to be illegal. For if you can't see the face the card would be useless.
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So CORBYLOONIE considers that moslems are offended because the teddy bear is considered to be a ,erm, ferocious animal.

In which case, shouldn't the teddy bear be punished?

I suggest stoning ,100 lashes followed by beheading.

I've felt for some time that stuffed toys are getting above their station.

Good on yer CORBYLOONIE !!
The children were honouring the name Muhammed and named the teddy bear after him. What's so offensive about that?

Why should it be okay for them to take offense in our actions but it's against their laws and stupid rules when we take offense in theirs? Why are we allowing these inane cretins to control us with their stagnant mentality and backward lifestyles?
I think the SAS should rescue her, the words aby and candy come to mind.
This can be purchased on e-bay.
SAS, thats the British way, not letting the poor woman suffer and excepting it.
As for the rest of them over here, DEPORTATION, i don't see why i have to put up with them and i am darn sure i don't see why i can;t dislike them. The thought police have had thier way for too long. I am sick of you limp wristed morons trying to tell me how i should think.
They don't intagrate, they scrounge, they whine about everything, they are a drain on our country , they bloody hate us and they stink.... .

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