Technology2 mins ago
How appropriate.
20 Answers
A flatulent cow that breaks wind on the hour has become Scotland's latest tourist attraction. Experts consider cows the biggest single source of methane - a gas 23 times more potent than carbon dioxide when it comes to global warming. Should Gordon Brown put a cork in it?
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The cow emits "white smoke" from "A dry ice machine". and_east/7145026.stm
Your problem being?
The cow emits "white smoke" from "A dry ice machine". and_east/7145026.stm
Your problem being?
The real cow does emit over 4% of global emissions and maybe something should be done about it. Scientists have invented a pill for the cow, should we try it before its too late? 10&channel=0 10&channel=0
Zeddy asks me what my problem is, and it is just a great sadness that at the same time as the Bali conference the wretched Scots have spent a great deal of English taxpayers money on a statue in their capital Edinburgh of an active environmentally destructive cow. Contrast this to the triumphant return of the Spice Girls to England last night who do not manufacture methane and are altogether more fragrant.
Scotch? No wonder the world loves Johnny Englander.
Mustafa, I hadn't noticed the bit about taxpayers money. It is on the side of a pub, not a monument.
Talking of a wasted of Scottish taxpayers' money, can we have all the oil revenue that your government saw fit to divert from the country of origin? No?
Well sod off with the "Scots drain us taxpayers of our money".
Never mind, I would imagine your gutter press can now start making Itai jokes at the expense of your new national football coach.
Mustafa, I hadn't noticed the bit about taxpayers money. It is on the side of a pub, not a monument.
Talking of a wasted of Scottish taxpayers' money, can we have all the oil revenue that your government saw fit to divert from the country of origin? No?
Well sod off with the "Scots drain us taxpayers of our money".
Never mind, I would imagine your gutter press can now start making Itai jokes at the expense of your new national football coach.
relax, Mustafa, it's just an animated pub sign. Hasn't cost you a penny and doesn't greatly hasten global warming. and_east/7145026.stm and_east/7145026.stm
About 60% of the available Scots workforce, jno, do not work because they are afflicted by drink - either drunk or hungover. They exist on State handouts from a subsidy provided by the English. They then give about 80% of this subsidy to a pub. The flatulent cow is therefore provided by the English and just about sums the Scots up. Even Bonnie Prince Charlie would not return to the Scots.
60% of the scots workforce dont work? I've never heard so much tripe in all my life! Lets not even start on your entire pointless argument claiming that a cow is causing global warming! WHEN ARE YOU MORONS GOING TO REALISE THAT HUMANS BREATHE OUT co2!!!!!!!!!!! thats right when a human goes for a run they produce more co2 than a car does! factor in the fuel for a human and you'll see that the car is the best mode of transport if you want to cut down your c02 emissions
(I leave my lights on all day- I can afford to thanks solely to english people paying taxes)
(I leave my lights on all day- I can afford to thanks solely to english people paying taxes)
right so? there are more and more humans being born every year therefore more co2 comes from humans therefore if you care about the planet you better stop having babies.
if you actually look into your history of global warming you'll find that that there is no constant temeperature and the fact that we have "the warmest weather since records started"
yet we've been recording the weather approx 300 years on a planet 4 billion years old and you'll realise that the temperature rising a couple of degrees is really not significant. I love how 'growns ups call it carbon neutral'
what do children or teenagers call it? do they have a different name for it?
if you actually look into your history of global warming you'll find that that there is no constant temeperature and the fact that we have "the warmest weather since records started"
yet we've been recording the weather approx 300 years on a planet 4 billion years old and you'll realise that the temperature rising a couple of degrees is really not significant. I love how 'growns ups call it carbon neutral'
what do children or teenagers call it? do they have a different name for it?
Oh I have looked into it and so have most of the worlds major scientific institutions and they say you're wrong.
Even President Bush's advisors now say Global Warming is more than 90% likely to be man made.
You think that a couple of degrees is not significant?
That rather depends on what you consider significan't - if you're afraid of "Day after Tomorrow" type things then you're OK - that's just a film.
What you will definately get is large scale changes in climate - regions that were food producing become desert, mass migration on a truely epic scale as some countries suddenly cannot support their populations.
What we might get is worse. There are massive stores of methae trapped in the siberian permafrost. A few degrees change would thaw out huge areas of this land and release this - which could accelerate things further.
We're not talking about the end of the planet but we are talking about massive population and financial instabilities through out the world.
A couple of slightly warmer summers it aint!
The Royal Society is the oldest and one of the most respected scientic institution in the world.
This is their guide to the myths around global warming. 0
I strongly recommend it to you, they do know what they're talking about
Even President Bush's advisors now say Global Warming is more than 90% likely to be man made.
You think that a couple of degrees is not significant?
That rather depends on what you consider significan't - if you're afraid of "Day after Tomorrow" type things then you're OK - that's just a film.
What you will definately get is large scale changes in climate - regions that were food producing become desert, mass migration on a truely epic scale as some countries suddenly cannot support their populations.
What we might get is worse. There are massive stores of methae trapped in the siberian permafrost. A few degrees change would thaw out huge areas of this land and release this - which could accelerate things further.
We're not talking about the end of the planet but we are talking about massive population and financial instabilities through out the world.
A couple of slightly warmer summers it aint!
The Royal Society is the oldest and one of the most respected scientic institution in the world.
This is their guide to the myths around global warming. 0
I strongly recommend it to you, they do know what they're talking about
nope no thanks. i've seen a graph of the temeperature over a great period of time and it has been a lot hotter than it ever has now.
50 years ago every scientist warned people about the dangers of global cooling. So I went ou and bought a big winter coat. Now they're telling me its gonna get a lot hotter so I went and bought some shorts but it didnt really get that hot either! They lied to me!
and also even if it was true, really really, what are we going to do to change it? seriously as the popluation is about to rise up significantly and poorer countries are gonna want fridges and stuff are you really going to be so arrogant as to deny them the things we have enjoyed for years? so no matter what there will be more production you cant stop it at all!
Not that I actually care if someone sits me down and shows me actual evidence then i'll give it some consideration but i will still know that theres nothing i can do to change it
50 years ago every scientist warned people about the dangers of global cooling. So I went ou and bought a big winter coat. Now they're telling me its gonna get a lot hotter so I went and bought some shorts but it didnt really get that hot either! They lied to me!
and also even if it was true, really really, what are we going to do to change it? seriously as the popluation is about to rise up significantly and poorer countries are gonna want fridges and stuff are you really going to be so arrogant as to deny them the things we have enjoyed for years? so no matter what there will be more production you cant stop it at all!
Not that I actually care if someone sits me down and shows me actual evidence then i'll give it some consideration but i will still know that theres nothing i can do to change it
sorry what i said in the middle didnt really make sense so i will expand on it
poorer countries like china, india and parts of africa are about to see rapid expansion like we've never seen and when they finally get themselves up to a decent standard of living they are going to want all the luxuries that we enjoy every day. Are you really going to tell them they're not allowed a fridge or central heating-or they are allowed it but only if they pay extra for 'eco friendly' products?
poorer countries like china, india and parts of africa are about to see rapid expansion like we've never seen and when they finally get themselves up to a decent standard of living they are going to want all the luxuries that we enjoy every day. Are you really going to tell them they're not allowed a fridge or central heating-or they are allowed it but only if they pay extra for 'eco friendly' products?
so Mustafa you have a problem with cross dressers?
I really cant stand it when people can be so intolerant as to say such bigoted and repulsive comment slike that. Please tell me what the cross dressing population have done to you to desrve such hatred!? Oh and since you hate all cross dressers im going to have to assume that EVERY cross dresser has done something against you to deserve your hatred?
I really cant stand it when people can be so intolerant as to say such bigoted and repulsive comment slike that. Please tell me what the cross dressing population have done to you to desrve such hatred!? Oh and since you hate all cross dressers im going to have to assume that EVERY cross dresser has done something against you to deserve your hatred?